Bravado Nursing Wardrobe review

Pumping used to be just a part of my morning routine and I never really thought of it as an annoyance, especially since I would average 6-7 oz at a time. My husband, the first week we were home, went out and bought a hands-free bra for me so that I could occupy myself during those twenty minute sessions. And it was fine. But it was a pain, because I had to remove my nursing bra, zip myself into the hands-free one and then remove it and put the nursing bra back on when I was done. I didn’t use it as much as I thought.

When Bravado Designs asked me to review their brand new Clip and Pump nursing bra accessory that launched earlier this month, as well as a few of their other nursing bras… yeah. I got really excited. The company was started by two women, ones who actually wear bras, so they seem to know what moms really want.

*Discloser: I was given a Bravado Clip and Pump nursing bra accessory, Body Silk Seamless nursing bras and Body Silk Seamless nursing cami mentioned in this post for free in exchange for an honest review. 

Clip and Pump nursing accessory

Bravado Designs, makers of those incredibly soft nursing bras, actually conducted a survey of nursing moms and found that 23% of pumping moms use a hands-free pumping bra, and that number is increasing. The survey also found that many moms aren’t happy with the current hands-free options. Think about it: sure it works fine to just hold on to the bottles when pumping. But I’ll tell you now, if I had to pump every two hours back in the day, whether I was at work or home, I would NEED my hands free, even to just hold a book in my hands to pass the time. (I may also have been known to eat Chick-Fil-A.)

Full disclosure: I don’t look this good pumping breast milk. But I do have a big smile on my face while doing it, because this attachment is amazing. It may have taken a few tries and an over-eager husband willing to help me finagle into it, because I was a dummy and didn’t really look at the instructions first. Don’t be like me; take the 30 seconds and read the instructions.

When wearing one of their nursing bras or camis, all you have to do is undo the clips as you would when you will nurse. Put the Clip and Pump on and attach those clips onto your Bravado bra. Then wiggle your cups down underneath (as in image 7 above) and insert your breast shields with a sort of circular motion through the slits: There is no need to ever detach the shield from the bottle AND no exposing your breasts in the process.

That was the best part of this bra: it was so easy to insert the breast shields. I decided against giving you my own demonstration of this because this video does a much better job at not whipping nipples at the camera.

It held up the shields and bottles so much better than I thought. I then removed the Clip and Pump after reattaching my nursing bra, but you could leave it on over your bra until the next pumping session (which makes more sense, if you pump frequently).

Whether you pump at home, at the office, or in the car, this bra is a game-changer. How many of us would continue to pump, or pump longer if we had something like this that actually worked to leave our hands free?

Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra and Body Silk Seamless Nursing Cami

I wore two of these nursing bras, one in Ivory and one in Sea Glass, which is this pretty teal color. Gorgeous. Especially flattering when you want to flash the old guy at the mall while nursing a toddler. True story. To be fair, I was given three hand me down nursing bras when I had Olivia and in addition to becoming threadbare, they had no lift whatsoever to speak of. These Body Silk Seamless bras, along with being super soft, actually made me feel 20 years old again (with big post-pregnancy boobs). The stretchy material is safe for both mamas and babies and fits women 32B—46G in sizes S, M, L, and XL.

They were easy to unclip to nurse and since they are perfectly paired with the Clip and Pump nursing accessory, it went smoothly when I pumped. And thanks to the removable foam inserts in their bras, I didn’t have those pesky nipples showing through. Because how awkward is that? My nipples always used to show through on my old nursing bras. My apologies to friends and family.

The Body Silk Seamless nursing cami was so comfortable (and also works perfectly with the Clip and Pump as well!). I always needed to wear a tank top under my clothes to help with covering while nursing, but this takes the place of wearing both a nursing bra and tank.

These bras and camis are so soft, that you may want to continue wearing them after you’re done nursing or pumping. Each of Bravado’s bras come with a conversion kit that converts them into a normal bra!

Check out all of the styles and colors that Bravado offers by visiting their website at as well as their Instagram and Facebook pages.

Stick Around!

I have another review and giveaway coming up from Bravado Designs later in the month as they launch some fabulous new bras and you don’t want to miss out!

||| Giveaway Time|||

If you would like to win a nursing wardrobe of the Clip and Pump nursing bra accessory ($30) along with a Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra ($49), and Body Silk Seamless cami ($55) enter via the Rafflecopter link below! Winner will be contacted by email on Tuesday morning!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Amanda
    February 7, 2017 / 9:39 pm

    I do not own any of the Bravado nursing products but would love the opportunity to try them!!!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:54 am

      You would love them!

  2. Stephanie Forgach
    February 8, 2017 / 7:58 am

    Nope, never tried! This would be great though for the future Baby #2.

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:54 am

      It totally would!

  3. Kelly
    February 8, 2017 / 8:16 am

    I love their nursing bras. I’d love to try more of their products with this upcoming baby

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:54 am

      Yes! I love especially how they can convert into a normal bra afterwards.

  4. Lisa
    February 8, 2017 / 8:17 am

    I have not tried any of their products but am very interested in checking them out as I’ll be pumping again soon!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:53 am

      You NEED that Clip and Pump. I mean, I paid 25-30 for my other pumping bra and.. this is so much better. Especially if you’re going to be pumping frequently. It’s funny because a class I was in, had so many that were all “Oh I didn’t really need my hands free while pumping.” And I’m like, are you kidding me? I go nuts.

  5. Holly Riggle
    February 8, 2017 / 8:44 am

    I don’t own any of the Bravado nursing products sadly 🙁

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:52 am

      You must fix that. 😉 I like how they’re pretty comparable to other good nursing bras.

  6. Sarah M
    February 8, 2017 / 9:09 am

    I’ve never owned one but would like to try!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:51 am

      I love them. I can’t wait to do the second review, of their even softer ones!

  7. Melanie Cutler
    February 8, 2017 / 9:33 am

    I have never tried anything from this company before. I definitely need a good nursing bra and one that is good for a large chest!! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:50 am

      Girl I got you covered. They held up MY big ones, so that’s saying something.

  8. Renee
    February 8, 2017 / 9:36 am

    I have never owned one, but these look fabulous!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 9:49 am

      They’re SO fabulous!

  9. Rebecca
    February 8, 2017 / 10:09 am

    Love my bravado bras! I hope I will be nursing another baby in the next year or so and can use them again!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 10:25 am

      Yes! I hope you do too!

      • Rebecca
        February 13, 2017 / 9:46 am

        Just got a positive at 7dp5dt so pick me pick me! 🙂

  10. Nichole Barrett
    February 8, 2017 / 10:15 am

    I’ve never used any of the Bravado products before. In fact, I’ve never used hands free to pump before. I need this in my life!

    • Risa
      February 8, 2017 / 10:24 am

      Even if I’m not actually doing anything, I like my hands free to massage while I’m pumping because I get more milk that way!

  11. Beth
    February 8, 2017 / 12:37 pm

    I’ve never used this brand before but would love to give them a try.

    • Risa
      February 9, 2017 / 12:01 pm

      They are amazing!

  12. February 8, 2017 / 12:37 pm

    I did the whole sports bra surgery thing for a pumping bra first time around and it didn’t last long or work well. I’ve been on the hunt for a good pumping bra for this time and this one looks intriguing!

    • February 8, 2017 / 12:41 pm

      (Never tried any of their products–I meant to include that in my comment :-P)

    • Risa
      February 9, 2017 / 12:02 pm

      I had heard of that too, but never did it. But yeah, I can totally see how it wouldn’t actually hold the shields on very well. This Clip and Pump is great!

  13. Craig
    February 8, 2017 / 1:46 pm

    My wife does not own a Bravado nursing bra but I would love to win her one! She works so hard and holds this family together so she deserves to be comfortable!

    • Risa
      February 9, 2017 / 12:02 pm

      That’s so sweet!

  14. Natalie
    February 9, 2017 / 7:41 am

    I don’t own a bravado bra but I would love to win one! I have a few hand me down nursing/pumping bras that are completely the wrong size but this sounds and looks amazing!

    • Risa
      February 9, 2017 / 12:03 pm

      Same here! I was so grateful for them, because I didn’t want to buy them, but yeah. One definitely wasn’t my size, and then other two worked fine, but I love these so much more!

  15. February 9, 2017 / 10:54 pm

    I love the looks of these! I DEFINITELY need that pumping one next time around!!!

    • Risa
      February 11, 2017 / 10:07 am

      Yes!!!! It’s so great! I wish I had this a year ago.

  16. Aaron
    February 10, 2017 / 9:13 am

    My wife has one of these and loves it and would love to have more when baby #3 arrives in April.

    • Risa
      February 11, 2017 / 10:09 am

      You are too sweet.

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