“Right Now” February 2020

Right Now

Reading:  The third book in Arc of a Scythe called The Toll by Neal Shusterman. Chris and I have been working our way through them. I’ve barely started but we’ll see how long it takes me to read it.

Watching: Chris and I have been watching The Pharmacist on Netflix and have been blown away. Not only by the hugeness of the opioid crisis which we already knew but of the story of Purdue Pharmaceutical and their complete asshole-ness of their marketing of Oxy-Contin. (I make up words sometimes to describe things because I’m a professional writer ha)

Drinking: Blackberry Bubbly. I haven’t been good at drinking water lately, so I need to get my act together.

Eating: Microwave popcorn. Which is so bad. But so so good.

Loving: That we got out for our Valentine’s Date last weekend. We tried out a new restaurant and I haven’t worn makeup since our last date night three weeks ago.

Anticipating: My third Stitch Fix box coming this week! I have a problem. But I have a bunch of credit to use to stock up on some spring and summer clothes!

Hoping: I don’t know. Trump doesn’t get reelected? Though he probably will?

Worrying: About getting back into the swing of work again now that I have a newborn. Olivia still goes to daycare two days a week and preschool, but my time is so unpredictable and dictated by a baby and I have some anxiety that I will struggle to make deadlines/do my best work. I picked up two new content writing clients which I’m excited about, but I also don’t want to take on too much in this season of life right now.

Browsing: Through Emelia’s 6-month hand-me-down clothes to figure out what to keep and what to donate so we’re not overwhelmed with them.

Celebrating: The fact that Chris and I are chugging along with our 30-day Yoga with Adriene challenge even if we weren’t doing it every day. We took off a good week because Chris was sick and I was exhausted, but we got back in it and I’ll be damned if we don’t see it to the end. We have nine days left.

Preparing: A grocery list. This whole grocery delivery service has been so amazing. I’m finding I actually spend less because I don’t impulse buy as much and do a once-over in my cart to remove anything we don’t really need at the end.

Finishing: An online course in Instagram marketing. It’s been kind of fascinating.

Subscribing: To Stitch Fix and Trendsend. See above. Problem, I tell you.

Going: Out this weekend with a friend for lunch that I haven’t seen in a few months. We have a lot to catch up on.

Check out past “Right Now” posts by clicking here.

Microblog Mondays


  1. February 25, 2020 / 5:57 pm

    I love Yoga with Adriene (she inspired my current blog project), but I’m even more behind on her 2020 30 day challenge than you are. I will finish it, but when? lol

    How nice to have a weekend lunch to look forward to.

    • Risa
      February 27, 2020 / 3:46 pm

      Actually, I’m almost positive I found YWA’s 30 day challenge from you! Cheers to taking forever, but we WILL finish strong! (At some point)

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