Austin at nine months old

Well, this month brought teeth, lots of crawling around and getting into things, and new foods sampled.

Austin at nine months old

Chris’s grandpa passed away soon after Christmas. I’ve always thought of him as my own grandpa and I’m so grateful we could see him once last time when we had all gone down to Iowa in August. The logistics of traveling down to Iowa this time were tricky as we had to decide if we were bringing the girls or not. I wasn’t sure I wanted to take the girls to a funeral (we had this issue when Chris’s aunt had passed away—I knew how inquisitive Olivia is and wasn’t sure I wanted to expose her to a funeral yet). In the end, my parents came to stay with the two girls and they continued to go to school and we took Austin with us. He did well on the drive down, but it still took us 7 hours to get there.

He popped his first tooth while we were down there, and the second night in the hotel he slept all the way until 6:30 the next morning. The first night, he was up until about 9:30 and did pretty good in the pack-in-play. Unfortunately, he was too distracted, and it meant lights out for Chris and me as well. And of course, I didn’t sleep hardly at all, so that was rough, but he did sleep until he woke to nurse around 2:30.

We put him to bed at about 9:30 the second night, and thankfully, my body decided I could sleep too, and actually woke up feeling relatively rested for the drive home. The drive still took forever, with two big stops to nurse and walk around Targets, but overall I can’t complain, because he did really well in the car and slept most of the time.


Nicknames: Little Man

Weight: 16 lb 12 oz (8th percentile)

Length: 28 inches (35th percentile)

Head circumference: 44 cm (21st percentile)

Diaper size: 2

Clothing size: 6-9 months, 9 months, 6-12 months

Teeth: 3


Baby-led weaning has been going great this month. He’s really only eating one meal a day with us, but his gagging has gotten so much better. He’s really been good at maneuvering food in his mouth. I just feel bad for Olivia because she sits on the other side from him, and whenever he does gag, he insists on turning to face her and acts like he’s going to projectile vomit on her. Ugh. What do you do? She’s gotten better at turning away from him instead of freaking out.

New foods tried: Mediterranean chicken with turmeric and turmeric rice, baby tomato halves (he’s REALLY been into eating these with gusto), hummus, scrambled eggs, spaghetti and meatballs, tomato slices, lasagna.

He’s still exclusively nursing every few hours. We’ve used some of the frozen milk stash, but so far, he’s not really digging sippy cups. I mean, he is, he tries to drink from them enthusiastically, but he hasn’t quite figured out how to tip it up far enough to get anything.


Austin still goes down between 6:30 and 7pm. He’s been slowly working on putting himself back to sleep if he wakes up initially. But he’s been having a string of waking between 10:30 and 11:30, right when we’re going to bed. At least if I have to get up to nurse him, he’ll at least sleep then until about 5:30 am. And there are mornings when I’ll put him back in his crib and he’ll sleep until 8 or 9:00.

There was one night right after Christmas when he had me awake with him until 3:00 am. And a few weeks ago, when he popped a tooth, he was up so much, that I only slept from 3 to 7:00. But that day I remember he took his first 4-hour nap. The next night, he slept from 7:00 to 6:30 am and then he went back to sleep after nursing until 9:45. So… I mean, this kid just really doesn’t like to sleep at night it seems, but he’ll gladly sleep during the day.

As far as naps, he’s been pretty cooperative. He’s technically on two naps a day still, but if he sleeps in and then goes down for his morning nap later, he’ll often sleep for 3 to four hours.


Austin officially graduated from physical therapy a week ago. It was the last appointment they kept for us so we could ensure he was on the right track developmentally after he started crawling last month. But we didn’t need to go, and he’s now done with PT. I’m just so thankful I could work with the same PT that we had with Emelia when she was a baby.

Austin at nine months old

He’s now crawling everywhere, all the time. He’s even been practicing pulling himself up to stand, but it’s still a work in progress because he can’t always get it. Though he loves climbing on his daddy whenever he gets the chance.

He took a bath all by himself two days ago. There’s something about a tiny baby in the tub alone that just makes you go, awwwww. He’s still at that age, where when he sits in the tub he actually stays there rather than trying to constantly move around or stand up.

He’s also been babbling like crazy: “Gaga!” “Dada!” “Ababa!” AhhhHHHHHHHHHH!” (That was a yell. He’s been liking to do that as well.)


This baby continues to be happy and full of smiles unless he’s upset about something. He loves being where the action is, and now that he can crawl, he is more than happy to follow his sisters into their room to hang out with them, munching on their toys and being the center of attention. He breaks into a huge smile whenever I walk into the room. Mama is the giver of all life and happiness, after all.

Austin at nine months old


When we were in Iowa for the funeral, Chris and I went into the empty sanctuary so I could nurse Austin without him being distracted. We discovered he had popped his first tooth. And then in mid-January, he got his second. And THEN at his nine-month appointment yesterday, his provider said a third was coming in alongside the other two on the bottom.

Which can really explain why his sleep has been so crappy lately.

Overall, he’s been healthy this month. He’s started coughing again, but it’s been mild, thankfully. I think over Christmas he had viral pinkeye. Emelia—I don’t know what she had, but we immediately started her on antibiotic drops and it cleared, but Austin had developed some eye drainage and crusting after getting over some congestion.

Actually, Christmas Day, in the evening, we noticed he had some yellow discharge from both eyes. No other symptoms. I wanted to see if he got worse before doing the eye drops. But for the next few days, the drainage would come and go and his eyes were still white, except for a few days after Christmas when they got the slightest bit red.

The next available appointment with any provider I could find was days away, and he was too young for Minute Clinic or a telehealth visit. I wasn’t going to spend hours sitting with him in urgent care, so out of desperation, I messaged a family doctor friend and he said it was most likely a result of his cough and congestion, but eye drops would be okay to start. If it was viral pinkeye, the symptoms should peak in the next day or two.

Luckily, that’s exactly what happened, and I didn’t have to start eye drops (usually babies are prescribed ointment because it can be challenging getting drops in their eyes). Sigh. It’s stressful being a parent to young children right now with the healthcare system the way it is and the sheer impossibleness of finding an appointment with a provider.

Austin at nine months old


Playing under the kitchen table, crawling after his sisters, being allowed to hang out with them in their room, baths (both alone, with his sister, and with Mama), Touch and Feel books, nursing, playing with his farm set he inherited from Emelia, playing with Emelia’s babies, eating. 

Austin at nine months old


Strangers who pay him too much attention, going to sleep, being put down, and being walked away from.

Undecided about

Men. His grandpa and uncles until he warms up. It’s sort of hilarious, but I know especially my dad feels bad that Austin is all smiles and joy when my mom walks into the room, but then he comes and gives Austin a smile, like, “I love my grandson more than words,” and Austin crinkles up his eyes and gives the saddest baby cry as in, “Why are you frightening me so much??

Looking forward to

Well I’m definitely looking forward to him sleeping more. All night. Without waking.

Austin at nine months old

See also:

Austin at 8 months

Austin at 7 months

Austin at 6 months

Austin at 5 months

Austin at 4 months

Austin at 3 months

Austin at 2 months

Austin at 1 month


  1. rose
    March 1, 2024 / 7:52 pm

    It is so funny, Austin looks so much like you, and then there is a picture of him sitting on his daddy’s lap and he looks just like him too. Makes me laugh about resemblances. Both my babies as children were like me but NOT at all like each other. Different gene sets obviously. What a wonderful baby he is and it is so good you all are enjoying his babyhood. Such a special time of life … and so brief (except when mom is not sleeping and is exhausted). Reading about your son makes me remember all those years ago with my babies and a decade back to my grandbabies. Such lovely memories.
    It sounds like your girls are also growing and being helpful and happy and smart. So much joy. Hope all the seasonal stuff has left your area. Where I am it is very very wet, gulleywashers down the hills and sluicing rivers down the street gutters. The rain (and snow near by but not here) is certainly needed and it is fun to watch. Just wish the wind wasn’t quite so chilly. Thank you for the gift of sharing your miracles. You have a special family.

    • Risa
      March 17, 2024 / 4:36 pm

      It is funny. Though my mom says he looks JUST like me as a baby and I have to agree. This baby boy is all me. 🙂

  2. Pauline
    March 5, 2024 / 1:40 pm

    Oh my, what an exciting month. Getting teeth, crawling everywhere, and eating new foods! So sorry about the loss of Chris’ Grandfather. Keep all the wonderful memories in your heart and tell them over and over to your children. So good to hear that Austin is healthy and growing and meeting all the important milestones. His personality is beyond happy. That smile of his will just make your heart melt. Such a blessing. Your children are so precious. I love hearing all about their everyday happenings and going ons. Your work sounds like it is going great. You are very dedicated to your family and your work. Looking forward to your next post.

    • Risa
      March 17, 2024 / 4:35 pm

      Thank you, Pauline! Yes, his memory will definitely be kept alive!

  3. rose
    March 6, 2024 / 9:31 pm

    I had written you a previous comment about how wonderful this post is and how much I appreciate and enjoy seeing and hearing about your fabulosu children and now I dont’t see that my comment exists. Not sure what happened.
    Had come back to look again at the beautiful blanket that you crocheted. You are doing lovely work and I am super impressed.
    Your professional work, your glorious family, and on top of that you create art.
    I am so glad you are part of this world and that I get to see your posts.
    Hope this does not also disappear.

    • Risa
      March 17, 2024 / 4:34 pm

      Thank you, Rose! I have it set to approve comments before they publish (between ugly comments I don’t want seen on my site and spam, I like to be able to control it, so I apologize if it looked like it wasn’t there! I appreciate your kind words!

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