10 weeks with Olivia: Did I just die of cuteness?

I think I did.

My local clinic where I have been doing satellite monitoring kicked me out today. I was supposed to be there to twelve weeks before being released from Houston, where I would then go to my regular OB. My former doctor at my clinic asked me on week eight if I wanted to be monitored at the OB office instead and I told him I preferred to continue going there because a) it’s closer for Chris to come to the appointments, b) their ultrasounds are a way higher quality than the OB and c) I don’t want to be released. It’s all I’ve known for three years and I don’t want to say goodbye.

Well, today he told me that this was going to be my last appointment there because they were too busy and normally don’t do ultrasounds this long. Ouch. Ok, so I was really disappointed, and now I have to go through the headache of coordinating the last two OB ultrasounds at my OB clinic for orders from Houston. It just was so convenient coming to this fertility clinic where they worked everything out with Houston and things were run smoothly. It could be very stressful next week trying to get the orders changed over to my OB.

But enough about that.

Here’s a baby.

10 weeks with Olivia: Did I just die of cuteness?

Measuring right on track, 31mm (1.2 inches). They didn’t run the heartbeat but said everything looked great. And you guys. Baby was moving! Squirming all over. She even was caught holding her little hands. I died. I really did. The best part was that my mom came with Chris and me and got to see the whole thing. I can’t even put my feelings into words, but it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

Then the tech did a 3D image which I didn’t expect and…well look:

10 weeks with Olivia: Did I just die of cuteness?

I mean. It’s a baby. With arms and legs and ear buds…She swiveled the image around 360 degrees and we saw the fingers. I mean, I am just in shock. I don’t know what else to say. Except fjioerg;iovn;jrngysuhvur!!!!!!!


  1. May 15, 2015 / 3:14 pm

    Wow that is amazing!!!! With the 3D you can really see the details of the arms and legs 🙂 It's so amazing to see the baby moving on the ultrasound. I am thrilled for you!!

  2. May 15, 2015 / 3:33 pm

    My heart is BURSTING for you! It's so wonderful!

  3. May 15, 2015 / 4:56 pm

    Awww, I am just so dang happy for you! It was scary transitioning to an OB from the RE, for sure. However, I really like our doctor and it ended up being just fine. Hopefully it will be for you too!

  4. May 15, 2015 / 6:49 pm

    Ahhhhh! Look at that baby!!!! Risa, I'm so happy for you! Glad everything is going well and measuring on track! If you have to let go of the RE's office, at least you went out with a bang! 4-d… So fun!

  5. May 15, 2015 / 7:25 pm

    Getting to 10 weeks is a huge accomplishment! Cute baby.

  6. May 16, 2015 / 11:34 pm

    Gorgeous. The moving on the screen made it so real for me. I LOVE seeing these early ultrasound 3ds!! Amazing!! You are doing awesome. Enjoy it!!

  7. May 18, 2015 / 8:17 pm

    Ahhhh! Omg that 3D U/S is amazing!!!!

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