Would someone pinch me, please?

Holy bloating.  Things are getting a bit wild and crazy in those ovaries.  Saturday we went to our ultrasound and found out there were four measurable follicles (over 11mm).  One on the right and three on the left.  Which makes sense being that my left side has been motherofgodmakeitstop! painful.

Would someone pinch me, please?

Today we went in again and found out there are four mature follicles and three that are almost there.  So hopefully tomorrow’s ultrasound will show seven mature ones.  I know it’s not the quantity, that the quality of the eggs is what’s important.

So I’m happy with what we have so far.  I’m just really. really. bloated.  Moving around is getting to be a bit difficult.  Last night Chris wanted to go on a walk, so I pulled my hair back, tied my shoes and proceeded to walk waddle around the neighborhood for an hour.

It may have been too much.  I was panting and out of breath and my rotundness was hurting by the time we got home.

Tonight I am even more bloated.  It’s good practice I guess, looking four months pregnant.

They are now estimating the retrieval to be this Friday. Possibly Thursday, but more likely Friday.  The end is in sight.  It’s really happening.  I could be “pregnant” by the 4th of July.  It blows my mind that this could be it for us.  That the back bedroom that we use to house our storage could soon be cleared out to make room for a crib(s), rocker, dresser…

If they let us, and if there are enough good embryos to transfer, we are putting in two.  I think if we put in one, and it didn’t work, we would regret it.  I know two embryos bring problems too.  But we are at that point that twins would be a joyous welcome.

I want to meet this child, these little children so very badly.


  1. June 24, 2013 / 9:13 pm

    I'm sorry that you're feeling so bloated, but I'm so excited for you guys! I hope that things continue to go well and that the retrieval goes well on Thursday/Friday.

  2. June 24, 2013 / 9:20 pm

    I'm sorry you are miserable with the bloating but so excited for you! Twins would be such a blessing…at least we feel that way about ours.

  3. June 24, 2013 / 9:27 pm

    Feeling like you have footballs for ovaries yet? First I said I had those small ones the cheerleaders through out at high school football games. These quickly grew to regulation NFL, over-inflated (if that's possible) footballs. Hope these follies keep on growing, and yes, it is very much the quality and not the quantity. And it only takes one!!!

  4. June 24, 2013 / 9:28 pm

    Yay for mature follies!! You're right, quality trumps quantity, as all you need is one to work out (even though it's not always easy to remember that). Will be sending you good vibes that they keep growing and maturing so that you have plenty of great eggs to work with.

    Gosh, you're so close. I hope you will be cleaning out your back bedroom in no time!

  5. June 24, 2013 / 9:43 pm

    Thanks! I know the bloating is all for a purpose, but I will be glad when it's over!

  6. June 24, 2013 / 9:44 pm

    Aww! I know. And I know that I would have a huge support system so BRING IT ON!

  7. June 24, 2013 / 9:44 pm

    Ugh, it's getting there. Love the description. It describes it exactly!

  8. June 24, 2013 / 9:45 pm

    Thanks Sarah! Hope everything is going well for you!!

  9. June 24, 2013 / 9:50 pm

    Sorry that this part of the process really sucks, but I can't believe the retrieval could be this week already! Wishing you the best!

  10. June 24, 2013 / 10:20 pm

    So excited for you Risa!

  11. June 24, 2013 / 10:29 pm

    Oh how I remember that. Home stretch. A word from the wise…it comes back post-retrieval. But hopefully all is worth it! So exciting!

  12. June 24, 2013 / 10:44 pm

    Very excited to hear how it all goes!! I hope you get twins! It would be overwhelming but so fun. I totally agree that at this point twins would be amazing news! Good luck!

  13. meagan
    June 25, 2013 / 5:35 am

    Praying that you are pregnant with "4th of July" twins when I get home from vacation!!!!! Yay! It's so close! It's finally almost here! Sending love your way and I'll be crossing from 1000 miles away 🙂

  14. June 25, 2013 / 6:34 am

    I hope we are both pregnant by July 4th. The end is in sight now! Very happy for you!!

  15. June 25, 2013 / 7:40 am

    Woo hoo! Hope you ARE pregnant by the 4th! Fingers crossed for you that the retrieval goes well on Friday!!

  16. June 25, 2013 / 7:45 am

    Eek! Friday! That's so soon! Hoping that the retrieval will bring some relief and that all seven mature beautifully!

  17. June 25, 2013 / 8:21 am

    SO exciting! I will be praying for you on Friday. Sorry about the bloating, but like you said it is good practice. 🙂

  18. June 25, 2013 / 8:36 am

    I am so excited and hopeful for your retrieval! Can't wait to hear the good news.

  19. June 25, 2013 / 9:35 am

    Ugh, I know that bloat all too well. You're right, the end is in sight! And just think how good it will feel when the bloat goes away (replaced with, you know, two growing little embryos of course).

  20. June 25, 2013 / 10:02 am

    Yeouch that doesn't sound pleasant! Hope this brings your a beautiful baby or two! Sending you lots of positive vibes!

  21. June 25, 2013 / 11:56 am

    Yay!!! This is so exciting!! Hope your beautiful baby or two are just months away 🙂

  22. June 25, 2013 / 12:19 pm

    Really hoping that soon you'll be pregnant!

  23. June 25, 2013 / 12:30 pm

    Good luck with retrieval! I'm sorry about the bloating, but maybe try to think of it as a sign that things are working? I had no pain or bloating, and got only one mature egg from my retrieval. Excited for you, though. 🙂

  24. June 25, 2013 / 2:09 pm

    I remember the bloat from growing follicles all too well. Now is the time for daily rewards, be it an evening foot rub or a mocktail. What ever works. Hang in there. You're doing great and retrieval is just around the corner! In the meantime, I'm cheering you on from a far (go Risa, GO!!).

  25. June 25, 2013 / 9:54 pm

    Yeah, that bloating is horrible! I measured my waistline a few times during the process and it grew over two inches in less than 24 hours! Yikes!

    We had the same thought about transferring two embryos. Considering we transferred two and only one survived, I'm sure glad we did it that way.

  26. June 25, 2013 / 11:15 pm

    I'm sorry the bloating is so bad, but I am crossing my fingers that in a couple of weeks, you won't care about it at all because it will have been worth it.

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