When life gives you lemons

Today’s ultrasound showed five mature follicles and one that was close.  The nurse told us that we could do the retrieval definitely Thursday or Friday.  She said we would receive a call at 3:30 today with what Dr. K. recommended after looking at my estrogen level.

I got a call from Dr. K. when I was at work this afternoon.  He told me he wants me to do the HCG trigger tonight.  He says he likes to see at least six mature eggs for retrieval and I have five with one that is close to mature, at 14mm.  They like to see 4-6 fertilized embryos.  My body is not responding to the stims considering my age, and with my ovulation dysfunction, this cycle is not what he would like to see.  He said my estrogen level was 816 which isn’t too bad, considering I have low estrogen in general.

When life gives you lemons

He spoke about doing an insemination and I started getting really confused because I couldn’t tell if he meant we would convert this cycle to an insemination if we waited a day, but basically he was saying that if we did the retrieval, it would be with fewer eggs than he would like.

He thought that either we could do the retrieval, or convert it to an IUI with the eggs I have, and then change up the protocol for the next cycle and get more eggs.  IUI is much cheaper than IVF and it would be a better use with our money.

I told him that because of our insurance, which you can fondly refresh your memories about here and here, we are getting one cycle. One. Whether it’s an IUI or an IVF.  One.  He then said, “Well then I think that makes the decision pretty easy then.” He said the deciding factor comes down to money.  He didn’t want us to pay for IVF when we could pay for an IUI and restart again the next cycle.  But if our insurance was only paying for one more that makes the decision for us.

So we are going ahead with the retrieval.  With five follicles.  I trigger tonight, Chris will give it.  My retrieval is Thursday at 9:30 am, arriving at the clinic at 8:30.  I don’t know how many if any will fertilize.

I was so excited after this morning’s ultrasound, and now…

I’m trying to think happy thoughts.  It just takes one.  But I thought I would have more.  I am glad Dr. K. called me, but now there is a lot of doubt.  I’m feeling sort of deflated.  Please.  Give me your success stories.  Let me know that five follicles are ok.  That people go on to get pregnant with five.  Just let me know that there is still a chance.


  1. June 25, 2013 / 7:03 pm

    So hopeful for you and Chris, Risa… I've heard countless success stories with five or fewer eggs. One in which a woman I know was on crazy doses of stim drugs, but with DOR, didn't respond, ended up with only one egg, and opted to retrieve and ICSI it as a last-ditch effort. She did indeed get pregnant. Miracles do happen. Stay positive… I'll say a little prayer for you!

  2. June 25, 2013 / 7:08 pm

    I agree miracles happen everyday and whether you have 15 follicles or 5 follicles it only takes one to make the difference. Praying that one in your bunch is the one!

  3. June 25, 2013 / 7:09 pm

    shit risa. i'm sorry this doesn't look like you'd hoped. let's not give up yet. this could still very much go in your favor. i get your disappointment, and i can't say that i wouldn't feel the same way. but people sometimes choose to do mini IVF, right? and it exists because it can work with few eggs. i will cross all of my crossable parts and hope hope hope for the best. xo

  4. June 25, 2013 / 7:28 pm

    Case report: woman >40 based on her labs RE recommended donor eggs, she wanted to give a go with hers, 2 follies, RE didn't want to retrieve, recommended IUI, she pushed for retrieval, both fertilized, both implanted = twins.
    Echoing Lentil's point about mini-iVF, patients are getting preggers, will fewer retrieved. Plus, Chris has the studliest sperm in the world, so I'd imagine you'd get a good fertilization rate.
    I know it's not where you want to be, but there are a lot of reports of success in less than ideal situations and failures when everything was "perfect"

  5. June 25, 2013 / 7:33 pm

    I had 6 eggs this last IVF. Only 3 fertilized. Transferred all 3 and now having twins. It's possible!!!!
    Sorry it didn't go as you had planned. It's so frustrating that you have to go through an IVF before they figure out what will work best for you. Good luck!!!

  6. June 25, 2013 / 7:46 pm

    There's lots of stories out there about people with only a few eggs who have success. It's quality, not quantity. Look at JenS up there! Anything can happen. I've still got a lot of faith in this cycle and I'm wishing nothing but the best for you guys!

  7. June 25, 2013 / 7:51 pm

    I'm sorry you didn't get great news. Praying for you guys!

  8. June 25, 2013 / 8:10 pm

    I know two beautiful children who started life as a fresh embryo transfer. Both were transferred with just one other embryo. Both of these children have younger siblings who were the result of frozen embryo transfers. So, there is a ton of hope in 5 or 6 eggs. I'm sorry your one cycle of coverage didn't give you more options, but I hope your miracle happens!!

  9. June 25, 2013 / 8:11 pm

    Eight out of my nine fertilized… you're good! Don't stress too much, this is all going to work out and I'm really keeping you guys in my thoughts these next few days.

  10. meagan
    June 25, 2013 / 8:22 pm

    Praying for miracle babies!!!!! <3

  11. June 25, 2013 / 9:00 pm

    There is always a chance. Praying for you and looking forward to news of a great retrieval!

  12. June 25, 2013 / 9:17 pm

    Sending you lots of love and luck Risa! 5 follicles is great! Many people don't even get that many the first cycle and have to keep trying with different protocols.

  13. June 25, 2013 / 9:17 pm

    Like you already said, it only takes one. You never know how many will fertilize, so keep your hopes up and your fingers crossed. You'll be in my thoughts <3

  14. June 25, 2013 / 9:46 pm

    I'm thinking good thoughts for you. Hoping that all of those retrieve and fertilize! It stinks to go into it not as hopeful as you started, but still so excited for you!!!

  15. June 25, 2013 / 9:49 pm

    Oh, and I forgot to share my favorite quote about life's lemons from my extraordinary Hubby. He spouted this one off right after one of our failed IUI cycles and pretty much made my year : "You know, sometimes life gives you lemons. And when it does, say 'fuck lemons!' and drink a bottle of champagne". Truer words have never been spoken 🙂

  16. June 25, 2013 / 9:51 pm

    A couple of weeks ago when I was having a particularly bad weekend in Infertility Land, I got a fortune from a cookie that read "It's not the end yet. Let's stay with it." Your story is far from over, Risa. I know it's hard to hold onto the hope sometimes. My fingers are crossed for you.

  17. June 25, 2013 / 9:53 pm

    So sorry you're not getting the results you'd like to be getting. Ugh. What a bummer. I'm glad that this was sort of a non-decision though. The last thing you need right now is a huge looming decision. I'll be praying for you this week. I promise.

  18. June 25, 2013 / 11:04 pm

    I'm so sorry you're not responding to the meds. It's very frustrating to hear this news. As far as success stories, there are many out there. I can think of three bloggers off the top of my head who had a low number of eggs but it resulted in their THBs. So hang in there. Just focus on getting through the next couple of days. In the meantime, I'm thinking of you.

  19. June 25, 2013 / 11:08 pm

    I hope that you'll get all six eggs and for all of them to fertilize! Thinking good thoughts for you.

  20. June 25, 2013 / 11:39 pm

    There is always a chance.

    I'm sorry the numbers weren't better, but it really, truly can take just one good egg. Hang in there! I have my fingers crossed so tightly for you.

  21. June 26, 2013 / 12:17 am

    Thinking more about your situation: what part of the process does your insurance cover. They are paying for one IVF, does that start with the meds, or does it start with the actual procedure? If they consider the actualy procedure of retireval and transfer, maybe you can pay out of pocket for the meds and an IUI and re-sumbit to the insurance with your next IVF. Some times it all comes down to the coding.

  22. June 26, 2013 / 1:27 am

    ladies absolutely go on to get pregnant with 5. all i had was 1.
    just remember all it takes is 1!
    ill be thinking of you! xxo

  23. June 26, 2013 / 6:12 am

    sending good thoughts your way!

  24. June 26, 2013 / 7:38 am

    1st…it just takes one… you have 5… and maybe 6 (is there a chance that one can mature by retrieval?) 6 is what the doctor wants… 5 isn't so bad. So 5 is great… it is 500% of what you need.

    2nd… what JAllen said… if you are really worried can you switch to an IUI at this point? Have insurance pay for the next round which is a full IVF? I have no idea how these things work with insurance.

    I think you are good with the 5.. I am hoping they are going to be some wicked good quality eggs and they are all going to make it.

  25. June 26, 2013 / 7:50 am

    From our 3rd IVF, we had 10 mature eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized, 2 transferred back to me after 3 days and only 1 made it to 5 days and is still frozen. Of those two transferred, I now have a 10mo old boy.

    Keep your chin up, I know how hard this journey is. As others have said, it only takes one, but while waiting for that one, it sure sucks! *hugs*

  26. June 26, 2013 / 8:41 am

    praying, praying, praying… hoping that all are mature, beautiful eggs and that you get an excellent fertilization report! hang in there!

  27. June 26, 2013 / 8:46 am

    Sending you prayers! I Have no experience to add but Best wishes!!

  28. June 26, 2013 / 9:06 am

    I don't have a happy ending yet, but I had my first retrieval June 14th. They were able to get 5 eggs, 4 were mature enough to fertilize and all 4 did! We have 4 frozen embryos now. Quality over quantity has been our motto! We knew we would never get very many but just prayed what we got was of good quality. I pray for quality for you tomorrow!

  29. June 26, 2013 / 10:56 am

    Sorry to hear that you don't have the numbers you were hoping for. Not to be repetitive but I echo everyone else's comments…quality over quantity…only need one…5 is five chances, which in my book is remarkable.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow (will be in the clinic two hours after you!). Keep your amazing spirit high…you've got great chances that this will be YOUR cycle!

  30. June 26, 2013 / 1:03 pm

    I'm praying that your doc gets all FIVE eggs 🙂 There have been a couple of times where my doctor said I only had 2, maybe 3, and then they got 4 eggs at retrieval. You never know! Praying for you, girl! xo

  31. June 26, 2013 / 1:42 pm

    So sorry that you had to have that conversation with your doctor. I had the same conversation a week ago…it was terrible…and I made the same decision as you. And despite the result, I'm really glad I followed it through.

    I'll be thinking of you and hoping all those eggs are mature, that they all fertilize, and all grow into healthy little embryos!

  32. June 26, 2013 / 1:55 pm

    I'm so sorry. What a disappointment, but my best advice to you is to not think about the what-ifs. Think about what IS. You have 5 possibly 6 follicles (better than 1 or 2)! Day by day. My prayers are with you.

  33. June 26, 2013 / 2:16 pm

    My 3rd IVF I had 6 mature eggs, 3 fertilized, we transferred 2 at day 5 and froze 1. I am currently 9 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins! It is possible, quality over quantity was always our moto. I am sorry that you did not get the numbers you expected, it was always dissappointing, but don't give up, there is hope. Thinking about you.

  34. June 26, 2013 / 9:04 pm

    I have everything crossed for you!

    It DOES just take one. With my IVF ONE embryo fertilized (ONE) and even though it didn't end well, I technically did get pregnant with it.

    Be hopeful! You got this!

  35. June 26, 2013 / 9:08 pm

    Ugh, I hate that things aren't going as well as you'd hoped, but it seems like there's still a good chance of success with 5!! And how weird that the crappiness of insurance actually made a decision EASIER for once. Oh the irony.

  36. June 27, 2013 / 9:30 am

    Keeping you in my prayers today that all goes well and you get some nice mature eggs today.

  37. June 27, 2013 / 2:01 pm

    I'm sorry you didn't get the number you wanted. But, as others have said, it only takes one. Fingers crossed that this one is just waiting to implant in your uterus.

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