Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
I have so much information in my head that I want to get it all down on here before things become jumbled.
We had our phone consult with Dr. G. in Texas at 4:30. It was surreal talking to him again. I don’t know, there’s just something weird about talking to your fertility doctor while the other baby he helped create was watching The Lion King in the next room, but there it is.
So what’s the plan? Well, actually the plan starts really freaking soon which means we need to get going on the calls with the insurance and choosing a clinic to do our monitoring appointments at.
I’m supposed to get my period next week, and when I do, I need to call the office and that’s when everything starts.
For real.
I knew October was coming up, but now it looks like things are coming up here really quickly which I guess is good because it’s less time to think. Or, brood, whatever.
After I make the call, the testing will start. The baseline ultrasound, prenatal bloodwork, and saline sonohystogram will be scheduled for a few days out. I’ll start taking baby aspirin and folic acid supplements for the MTHFR mutation.
And I’ll start birth control pills. The last time I did these for a transfer was for my third IVF that was canceled due to sky-high blood pressure from the steroids. But luckily, with my supposed perimenopause diagnosis, I had a good six months to be on birth control again, and since all was well with my blood pressure, we’re good to go on this round.
I’ll be on six weeks of birth control, give or take, and the good thing is this time we’ll get to decide when we go and have more flexibility when it comes to our travel arrangements. We can essentially choose which week in October we want to go.
Then, in October, I’ll have one last ultrasound to make sure everything is going well, on a Friday, and then the following Wednesday, we’ll do the transfer.
So what about the embryos?
Well, there’s three. One that was rated “Good-Fair” and two that are “Fair-Fair” which of course I asked him about these two and he said he feels really good about them and would “transfer them with gusto” which was the same thing he said to me during my transfer with Olivia and her twin, so I guess that’s a good sign, right? He also said he can count on one hand the number of times he had an embryo not survive the thaw.
The plan this time around is to transfer the Good-Fair embryo and then the other two at a later date, preferably in a few years, mkay? That would be ideal.
I’ll be on Lovenox again, the blood thinner injection, again once we transfer. And of course PIO injections. NBD, right? Actually, check out the article I wrote for Fertility Smarts on doing injections during IVF when you hate needles. Not that I have issues with needles anymore because I’ve done 5,476 of them since 2012.
And of course, estrogen. Probably gobs of estrogen, like last time when I was putting estrogen into every orifice and I’m not exaggerating on that.
As I said in my post last week, I’ve been waiting on the insurance company to see if they will cover the infertility therapist I want to see before transfer.
Here we go. Well almost. Look for the post here soon where I share with the Internet that I got my period.
Ahhhh so excited for you and your family!!! I pray that this time around is easier and less of a rollercoaster. You are one incredible and amazing woman!! And Olivia is going to be the best Big Sister ever!!! I also pray that insurance will cover the therapist you want!! Looking forward to hearing when your period comes. Lol
Thank you, Melanie! I’m hoping that’s the case.
I forgot that you have an MTHFR mutation. Can you remind me the variant you have? I’ve never been tested, but have a pending doctor’s appointment to discuss by chronic anemia and this would be something to discuss.
Ignoring all of that, I am rooting for you! I know all of this is happening quickly, but I also know that you’re rocking do you all you can. Know you’re not alone. Thinking of you, Chris, Olivia and those 3 embryos.
OK, I’m trying to remember this. Hetero? One strand, not two. One, something. It’s the lesser. And thank you, friend. It’s weird being back here again.
Wow, so real and beginning so soon. The exciting, scary, exhilarating but nerve wracking “hurry up… and wait” stop/start rollercoaster that is infertility. Thinking of you and your baby(ies) to be.
I know. I haven’t been in this place for awhile.
eeekks so excited!!!
Thank you!
So exciting and scary all at the same time!
Soooo true!
Wow. I have so much respect for anyone who is going through this process. We decided our family is done after one for a variety of reasons, but one of them is that I’m scared to death to face it all again. Will be cheering you on every step of the way
I’m terrified. I hate going through this again. I’m trying to hold out hope, but it’s hard. I’m so grateful for this community.
Good luck Risa!! Hope to hear good news on baby number 2 adding to the mix with all of us on you, Meags and the girls’ playdates 🙂
Thank you!!
I hate to move quickly on anything when I’m not ready, but then again, I’m never ready because I’m indecisive. Moving quickly kind of makes us do it and takes the angst of having to decide, so it can be okay, I hope. It worked with Olivia, and I’d try to keep that image in your head whenever those doubts creep in. Best wishes!!
I know. It kind of leaves me no choice to start planning everything. Thank you!
Feeling all the feelings with you reading this and recalling all the stuff that came flooding back when we transferred our embryo to try for a sibling. You got this!
Thank you!!
I am so excited for you that everything is moving forward! Keeping my fingers crossed that your insurance approves The Best Therapist Ever (because that gives me hope that maybe mine will, too!).
Thank you! I need all the luck I can get.