I have a schedule.
A baby-making schedule.
Yes, my friends, this is a baby-making schedule. Not very romantic, doesn’t include a whole lot of sex (in fact, there is actually a stoppage of the said sex on a certain date), and there is a shit-ton of needles involved, but this has shown to be the best method of Chris and Risa Grow a Baby.
It’s a bit overwhelming. I tried to skim the pages and see if I could find where any copious amounts of alcohol were involved, but it looks like they frown upon that kind of stuff. Sure might make these schedules look a little more clear with some Jeremiah Weed enhancing my brainpower.
I’m getting off topic. We met with the nurse today for our consultation so we could learn about the meds, the procedures,, and the schedule. The next step is the saline sonogram and trial transfer on June 3rd. I then start my Lupron injections on June 6th, every morning for about three weeks. I will then go in for my day 10 Lupron ultrasound and start my stims injections on June 16th. Menopur in the morning with the Lupron, and Follistim in the evening. Three shots a day. Hold me and never let me go. Chris gets to start his antibiotic the same day I start my stim meds. Pill form, because he’s a pussy.
After two weeks of those, I am doing an HCG trigger. I got giddy when the nurse turned to this page because I know how to do the Ovidrel injection. But of course, she crosses that off and checks the HCG shot that has to be injected intramuscularly. Because of course.
So this basically means that the guy who laughs hysterically at South Park will be jabbing me in the ass with a two-inch needle, blindly dodging major nerves and blood vessels. Because of course.
I’m not complaining. I vowed to go through hell and back for my baby and I will do it with a grimace smile on my face. It’s just one IM shot. We can do it.
After a lightning-quick instruction on the Lupron, Menopur reconstitution, and Follistim pen/cartridge lesson that left my head spinning, we signed the consent forms.
Forms dictating what we want done with the frozen embryos if I die, he dies, we both die, divorce, stop treatments, store them for over 10 years, or reach the age of 50 GASP! A lot to think about.
Basically, for the majority of the situations, we could choose to destroy the embryos, donate them to research, or donate to an Embryo Donation Program. We chose most of them to be donated to the Donation Program. That is a whole separate issue that our clinic doesn’t do, so we have to work with a different company for that.
After that, we met with the IVF Financial Coordinator to give our pre-payment. Toby was a little shocked when I explained to him where I was this morning.
You’re paying HOW much for a hairless puppy?
In the meantime, I am taking my antibiotic and birth control pills like a good little girl. (Maniacal background laughter) I’m on the fourth day, and it’s been hard to remember to take them. I know it seems like a little backward thinking, but they are used to suppress everything going on in my ovaries. And $7,567.00 later, we were done. Ultrasounds are all scheduled except for if I need additional ones before my retrieval.
I’m ready for all this. I just want to start the injections and git on wit it!
Those appointments are always so overwhelming. Congratulations on getting through!
One thing that really helped me deal with the schedule was to break it into parts: Suppression, Stim, Retrieval and 2 ww. From there, we sorted the drugs to fit each section, making it so that I was only focusing on what I needed to stick myself with during that period. It helped keep my anxiety in check as processing all of it at once was daunting.
Oh, and I totally drank during suppression. Not binge drinking, but considering Lupron did a number on me I can't imagine how Grey and I would have survived without alcohol during that period.
I am so excited for you, I just can't stand it!!
I will be living vicariously thorough you! Hell, I will even drink FOR you! 😉
Oh, and… hairless puppy– awesome!
it is so overwhelming! you can do it though! once you get into the DOING and less of the reading, it will come naturally! the shots didnt bother me a bit so i hope they dont hurt you!
congrats on the progress!
Bring it! It seems like a lot but you will totally fall into the groove. Oh, and my HCG trigger wasn't intramuscular…can you get one like that? Just did it in the belly as per usual. Good luck!
So exciting! I am anxious for you to start this process too, and hope that it ends up making your dreams come true. I fear I will be in your shoes at some point, though I'm starting another IUI cycle with injectibles and hoping it works. But I look forward to following along with you and seeing what this whole IVF thing is about!
I remember feeling like I was buying a house after all the paperwork for IVF! Good luck- Im excited for you guys!
So excited for you!!!! Sending many thoughts your way. I was terrified of the shots but you quickly will realize that they become easy. Sending many vibes that this cycle is the one!!
Ooo I like, Cristy. And I like the drinking. Ok, not copious amounts, but I think I may have to indulge in some wine every once in while during my Lupron.
Ha ha Teresa, I will make babies for both of us! 🙂
Thanks, Sarah. I hope they don't hurt me either!!!
I always referred to them as transfer timing pills. Good luck!
I know, it's weird. I'm not sure why they are having me do an IM when they have always been sub Q…
It will be here before you know it! A couple of tips. On ALL of my IM injections I always ice before. Maybe it's because I'm a wuss, but it seemed to make that it go better. Also menopur made my injection site turn bright red and itchy (a normal side affect) and I found that icing before and immediately after also helped that too. GOOD LUCK!! 🙂
Yippee!!! I'm sucking down the BCPs too. Irony.
Good luck Risa! I'll drink for ya- during this whole process, and for the next 9 months!!! 😉
Good luck! I'm just a few weeks ahead of you. Here's to June being a fantastic month for successful IVF!!
I really loved your post. It is truly the price we pay for infertility treatments. Wishing you nothing but the best from this and hoping you have your baby!
Yay! This is all so exciting…hard, but exciting. They must not have you doing progesterone in oil, huh? Because that's another IM…well, a lot of IM's. Good for you if you get to bypass it though!
Love Toby's face, by the way.
I am so glad that things are starting to fall in to place! So exciting!
The shots will be worth it once you have a screaming, pooping baby of your own! 🙂
I ended up with OHSS and vowed to never do another IVF – it wasn't the injections (honestly) it was the hospitalization after ER that sent me into boycotting another IVF….ever!
GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to read your journey. 🙂
Look at all those charts and schedules and rules! I like how the IM part of the hcg injection is underlined. Lest you forget. Sending loads of good luck your way!!!
Hi from ICLW. I could have sworn I read this yesterday and commented on it. Must have been on the group page…brain fog!
IM shot = not as bad as you'd think! I remember we made such a big deal for the trigger and I went over to his mom's house (in a terrible rainstorm, no less) to get it at precisely the right time… but then all the subsequent Progesterone shots were IM, so he had to man up and get used to it pretty quickly. It's like everything else in this crazy process – the insane becomes commonplace fairly quickly.
So exciting that you have your schedule!
It's getting so real!
Fingers and toes crossed!
I'm definitely going to do that, Ann. And I have heard Menopur is ouchy. Sigh. Bring it on.
Ha ha ha! I know! That was the best part!
Risa, I'm so excited for you guys. Wait, that sounds cruel! I really wish you could have some fun, crazy sex and get pregnant like a 16 year old, but since IVF is your fun, crazy sex method, I'm excited for you. I'm here if you have any questions or need to vent during this process. Been there and done that…twice! I didn't get a t-shirt but have a butt-load of bills to prove it! Praying all goes well!
1. It's gonna be badass.
2. After a couple of the shot-giving sessions your husband is going to be a pro. (And I applaud the choice to have him do it – I had mine do it too, if for no other reason than I thought it may be therapeutic for him to stab me repeatedly with purpose).
3. Yes for chrissakes email me so we can be facebook friends. I need infertile homies.
Hi from ICLW – good luck on your IVF cycle!!!
Hello there from ICLW. That is so much to think about and remember…I'm sending you brain power and mental capacity to make it through!! Much luck to you friend!
I remember getting the paperwork and the calendar made it so much more exciting for me. I had this pink highlighter that I would cross off every step/day once it occurred. It was crazy to see how much pink was on the pages at the end. I hope this is a fantastic (and fruitful!) cycle for you.
Arrrgggghhhh…..holy moly – that's a lot of meds. I have been following you since last ICLW but a bit silently. I am so excited that you are getting started on your IVF cycle. Oh the injections are tough, the scans will do your head in, at times you might be totally terrified but, oh my, going through an IVF cycle is magical. There is nothing quite like watching embryos, containing a little bit of you and a little bit of your husband, sliding down a catheter and into your perfectly prepared cushiony uterus. But I don't want to spoil all the surprises! Good luck again.
By the way, my address is http://www.inmygardengrow.blogspot.co.uk (I don't think it links to my name).
Happy ICLW! sending good thoughts your way and hoping you always keep your sense of humo
Hi from ICLW! I like your blog and this post. LOL! Oh the joys of IVF stemming. I just love that we have to take birth control pills to get pregnant in the IF world.
Hello from ICLW. Good luck on your IVF! It's all worth it in the end. Keep your amazing sense of humor about it and you'll be just fine 🙂
That looks so overwhelming! I have't started the fertility treatment process, but it seems like there's ALOT involved! I wish you nothing but the best and lots of SUCCESS!!!
-Jenn, from ICLW
Our first IVF, I wasn't sure how I could do all the shots again. Second time through, I was an old pro at it and they barely phased me. IM injection is not as bad as we all make it out to be. It sucks, but its really not that bad. Honestly, I would actually prefer the PIO injection to the vaginal Crinone for the progesterone. Never NEVER thought I'd ever say that, but its true. I am really rooting for you! So excite. That you are about to start the Lupron! One week! Ahhhh! 🙂
I nominated you for a Super Sweet Blogging Award! Check it out:
Eeeeeek! Thanks so much Emily! 🙂 You are way too kind. 🙂
I am SO THANKFUL I stumbled upon your blog – I too, am starting my first round of IVF this month and feel like this whole post could have been written by me…if I had a blog 🙂 We don't have our "master schedule" appointment and injection training until June 10. Good luck to you!
Ahh! Exciting! Please keep me updated on your progress! Wishing you all the best!