Valentine’s Day: We don’t have any photos of our dinner this year

I’ve become that blogger that takes photos because I want to put them on my blog. Granted, blogging is my new form of scrapbooking, but I tend to find that when I don’t take the photos I feel this weird sort of guilt that I wished I had.

Plus, I love food and love taking photos of our food when we go out to nice restaurants. But maybe it was because we were at a table out in the open and I felt like a weirdo taking pictures of my food. Or maybe we’re in our mid-thirties and I shouldn’t be doing that anymore. Whatever it was, I didn’t take any photos of us that evening. But I did document our weekend as a whole.

First, I got some pictures of the darlings in their Valentine’s outfits (Once Upon a Child, and hand-me-down from big sister, thank you very much).

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

Not that you can really see what’s on both of their shirts since they’re crumpled up.

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

Olivia’s been really into holding the baby again lately. She hasn’t asked to hold her in a few months, since Emelia was a newborn.

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

So it’s pretty adorable.

Olivia was in daycare on the 14th, so it was just me and the baby all day, and I got some official Valentine photos.

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

I’ll also remember this as the time frame when chewing on her hands was LIFE.

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

Saturday morning, the day my parents were coming over to watch the kids so we could do Valentine’s, Emelia woke up with this red teary eye and I don’t know what the heck happened. Her actual eye seemed to be fine, luckily because all I needed was my four-month-old to have pink-eye.

Emelia Eyes

We determined it was probably a blocked duct, but a friend suggested we take her in since we wouldn’t want to risk infection and I didn’t like the rashiness that went up into her forehead. So I canceled plans I had to bring pizza over to my friend’s and packed Emelia up to take her into Urgent Care. Of course, when we arrived, the redness had totally faded away and I was told there’d be an hour wait. I couldn’t justify sitting there when the redness wasn’t even there anymore, so I ended up taking her back home.

Emelia Eyes

It looked a lot better the rest of the morning and afternoon, and I did some warm wash clothes and massage. Luckily also, my parents said they remember that happening with my middle sister, so they were fine with it if she needed it while we were gone.

Valentine's Day: We don't have any photos of our dinner this year

This is where the documentation in photos takes a hiatus. I took a selfie to remember this was my one day in February I wore makeup. We went out to a new-to-us restaurant and since we had reservations at 5:00, we dined with the old people until the younger crowd started arriving. We had spinach and artichoke dip with their garlic baguettes and I had sangria and didn’t get carded for the second time in my life and now I officially feel old. Chris had the pork chop with apple sauce (it was fancy so they split it into two words) with garlic mashed potatoes. I had the chicken fettuccine alfredo with lots of bread and holy hell I ate a lot of carbs that night.

Afterward, we drove to a mall to shop around and were about to grab cheesecake and coffee from Barnes and Noble’s cafe when my mom texted us and said Emelia was flat out refusing her bottle and had been crying for the last two hours on and off.

We grabbed the cheesecake slices to go and headed back. I felt bad because she’s never refused to take a bottle. She scoffs them, but will always give in, and being that it was the first night I didn’t put her to bed with boobs, I was wondering how the night would go regardless. My parents felt bad calling us back home by 8:45, but they had tried everything. Olivia was just excited to get to stay up later in all the chaos.

It was fine. After my parents left, I got the baby down, we ate dessert and I woke up at 7:00 in disbelief because that was the first night I actually slept all the way through since mid-way through my pregnancy ten months ago. Yep, homegirl slept from 9:30 pm to 8 am. Hallelujah! I apparently needed the sleep because I didn’t even wake during the night, not until 7:00 when I fought with myself to let her keep sleeping versus OMG what if she has low blood sugar from not eating in over eight hours and can’t wake up???? Fuuuck me and anxiety and forever going to the worst case scenario. For the record, she was completely fine and even her eye looked pretty much normal again, so who knows what’s going on.

Sunday, we went to my parents and celebrated my dad’s birthday.

Dads birthday

And in keeping with this post’s theme, Chris and I don’t have one photo of us together. But here’s yet another one of the baby and me.

Dads birthday

Valentine’s Day 2020, y’all. At least I got to eat pasta.

Microblog Mondays


  1. February 19, 2020 / 4:22 am

    Aw that’s a pity Emelia wouldn’t take a bottle for your parents. You look very pretty in your selfie picture! Such sweet pictures of Olivia holding her baby sister

    • Risa
      February 19, 2020 / 12:20 pm

      It is. She’s a stinker. I remember Olivia being much better once I put milk in a sippy-style bottle where she could hold it herself, so hopefully that’s right around the corner. And thank you. Lol! I’m kicking myself for not getting pictures of us together.

  2. Jerika
    February 19, 2020 / 8:52 am

    i love all the pictures! i’m glad you got to go out and celebrate and that her eye is better.

    • Risa
      February 19, 2020 / 12:21 pm

      Me too!! And while it’s much better, I’m still really confused over what was actually going on with it.

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