Valentine’s Day: It’s all about her now.

So apparently three years is a long time. I just looked back on this post I did for Valentine’s Day in 2013 in the midst of our IUI’s. Besides the fact that I crack myself up, it was fun to read because everything is SO different now.

My parents came over Saturday so we could go out for a Valentine’s lunch. I didn’t want to leave her with my parents in the evening because she tends to be cranky and hate the world at that time, so lunch it was.

We went to a local hibachi grill that my sisters told us about. I had a Cabernet and it was wonderful. The food was delicious.

We talked (mostly) about non-Olivia things and then went to Target and then mailed off a package. We came back home, thanked my parents and then put my peg board up in the kitchen for my mugs. 

Sunday, we (I) proceeded to take numerous pictures of Olivia and I tried hard to get one that you could see the words on. It says, “Daddy’s little Valentine.” Gah.

Daddy, you’re interrupting our photo shoot.

Oh. Well, I guess you’re not so bad.
No, I changed my mind. I’m overwhelmed!
Still not too sure.

I know it’s Valentine’s Day and all, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to smile.
No, Mommy, not even when you kiss me.

Ok, wearing this bib from Grandma and Grandpa kind of makes me smile.

We ate dinner (Pizza Hut) and lounged in front of the TV. Then Chris read to her in her room before bed. She’s really starting to look at the books now.

I, of course, teared up at the book and snapped photos.

It wasn’t until the evening that I realized Chris and I never took a photo together…

Oh well. It’s all about her now anyway. 🙂 


  1. February 16, 2016 / 12:34 pm

    So sweet!

    I'm glad you and Chris got some adult time. It's so hard to get at this stage. And I love the photo of Chris reading to Olivia. Seems like the start of some precious daddy-daughter time.

  2. February 16, 2016 / 1:13 pm

    I said all day I wanted to take a picture of the 3 of us while we had family over and we never did get a! She is just a doll, so cute!! Love the little smile!!

  3. February 16, 2016 / 3:07 pm

    I've read that book a million times and it still makes me cry!

  4. February 16, 2016 / 8:55 pm

    I love the Nancy Tillman books… have you read I'd Know You Anywhere My Love? It is my absolute favorite!

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