Transfer Update: Only a little crazy

As soon as I wrote that title, I thought, Will that confuse people? Will they mistake it for me talking about my last transfer in October because I do so many of them and it confuses me, so it has to confuse others.

Transfer Update: Only A Little Crazy

So, this is an update on the upcoming transfer. Transfer #7 for those of you keeping track. Transfer #2 since Olivia. Why are there so many transfers? Why am I so infertile? Whyyyyy?

Anywhoo. Update. You guys, this one is coming in lightening quick. I’m trying to be more proactive right now getting everything in place so I’m not scrambling at the last minute like I was with the last transfer. Because hot damn you guys, I was stressed. I was frustrated. I was saying all sorts of threatening things to the people at the insurance company (in my head of course) and it was just all around a really shitty time.

And then my friend had announced a pregnancy and I’m thinking what the actual fuck? Why does it have to be so hard? Why do some people have to break themselves to have the family they want?

Transfer #7. Is this lucky seven? Will this work? Because honestly going through seven IVF transfers feels slightly ridiculous for anyone to go through. Like, really? Just give it up, moron.

Yeah, I should totally have another baby. What, with all this attractive bitching and moaning.

So the plan is to do an endometrial receptivity array in January and a transfer in February. You can catch up on all that in this post I wrote after talking with the doctor after the last transfer.

I’m guessing my cycle will start the first week in January, and so I wanted to get everything figured out now and one of the biggest things was finding a new clinic here in Minnesota to do my monitoring. I’ve been at my same clinic here since 2013, but as a satellite patient, it’s been a bit rough. The nurses have always been fine, but the satellite coordinator always made me feel like a giant piece of crap because I wasn’t actually receiving care at that clinic anymore.


Oh, you need an HSG done asap? Too bad. We don’t do those.

Oh, you need to come in on a Saturday? I’m sorry.

Oh, you’re on your last leg of sanity and need that lab result sent over? You’re cute.

She never lifted a finger for me and I decided it was just time to move on. Which is sad. I mean, it makes me sad that this clinic that was basically a second home for years just… blows away in the wind. So I don’t know. I’m just moving forward, and luckily, the clinic a friend recommended to me is covered by insurance. But the insurance also told me I didn’t need a referral and the business office at the clinic said she talked to them and they said I do. Because no one knows what my actual infertility coverage is at the insurance, not even the insurance company themselves.

My records are being sent over to this new clinic, I requested a referral anyway from my primary doctor (better safe than sorry I guess) and had my consult with a doctor at the new satellite clinic on Monday. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure why I was even needing that appointment since all my care is being managed by Houston, but I actually was really glad I went.

The fertility doc there was really nice. I could tell he was used to working with a lot of crazy infertile women. You can tell, if you’ve been in this business as long as I have. He reminded me that I probably should be taking my baby aspirin and folate supplements now before transfer. I had stopped taking the pills altogether after this last one failed and it was a good prompting to start them again. We discussed how not only do I have trouble making babies, but also keeping them, and bringing them to term, so he gave me some advice on how he’d manage my care if this transfer worked and I decided to stay there with them. Their affiliated hospital doesn’t work with my particular insurance, so I’m not sure what I would do, but I will cross that bridge when I need to.

The nurse that I spoke with earlier that day said they had my kit and I was all confused on what she was talking about, but I realized later it was the kit for the ERA procedure, but the doctor had told me during my consult they don’t do those. Not that they can’t, but that they haven’t done one. So I’m going back and forth between them and my clinic in Houston to figure this all out by the end of the month. I realize this is a pretty new procedure, but it’s stressful when you’re clinic is across the country and you have to find someone here to do it.

A place covered by insurance.

Who knows what it is and how to do it.

Who will coordinate with said other clinic to get the results.

It’s like when you have so much to do that you just sort of freeze up and go watch Netflix instead of actually figuring everything out?

Yeah. That’s me. Which is why I’m here blogging about it instead of making calls or you know, actually working. I feel like everyone is a puppet on a string: the insurance, the satellite clinic, my clinic. And I’m dancing them around trying to bend them to my will and I’m going to get my period soon, so we’re on a tight timeframe.

So that’s it. Not much going on, but just a lot of waiting and phone calls. Which, when you really think about it, sums up infertility quite nicely.

My 2018 reader survey is open until the end of the year, but the giveaway for the Amazon gift card ends next Thursday the 27th, so if you haven’t yet, I would love if you’d take a few minutes to do it.

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  1. December 19, 2018 / 11:15 am

    I can relate to some of your frustrating experiences, since I have my main fertility clinic down in California but am getting everything but the transfer (testing etc.) done up here locally in Oregon. Lots of back and forth and nudging people along. Sorry for your current frustrations. I started my period last Sat at long last, with round 2 transfer scheduled for Jan 24th, so maybe we will kind of be cycle buddies!

    • Risa
      December 21, 2018 / 8:40 pm

      Yes!!!! You can totally understand! We’re definitely not going to be very far apart! Keeping my fingers crossed for you as well!

  2. December 19, 2018 / 1:15 pm

    Such good news that this new doctor is sympathetic. I’m sorry that you have to become the co-ordinator of your care. Imagine if the clinic had someone who did everything you are doing with the diligence you are showing… they’d probably charge a fortune. If only you could bill them for your time! Best of luck with all the steps to transfer 7, and wishing you a peaceful Christmas in the middle of it all x

    • Risa
      December 21, 2018 / 8:38 pm

      Oh my yes. I could totally do this for a living! Ha! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  3. January 8, 2019 / 12:04 am

    I’m way behind in my reading, but trying to catch up. I can’t imagine trying to coordinate all this with a clinic out of state! My fingers, toes, and everything in between is crossed for you. Prayers are being said. I want this so badly for you!

    • Risa
      January 9, 2019 / 9:05 pm

      Thank you!!

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