I saw someone doing this on Facebook and Olivia is finally at the age where I can try it out on her. I actually think when she was a newborn, I saved a version of these questions in my phone and lost them somewhere. I posted this on my Facebook profile, but wanted them here too. So without further ado!
credit: Erin and I Photo
Toddler Test: No coaching, just asking. Always hilarious!
1. What is your name?
2. What’s my name?
Kerulie (not sure why she answered as our last name, but kudos for trying to pronounce it.)
3. What’s Daddy’s name?
Kisstopher (I had to ask her this twice. I thought she was trying to say our last name again.)
4. Where do you live?
At Miss Sarah’s house (Daycare. I thought three days a week wasn’t that much, but she apparently thinks otherwise.)
5. How old are you?
(Shows me three fingers)
6. When is your birthday?
(Confused look. Shows me three fingers again.)
7. How old is Mommy?
(Shows two fingers. Really interested in Grey’s Anatomy that’s on TV.)
8. What is your favorite color?
(Disappears on the other side of the couch. I’m losing her.) Pink.
9. What’s your favorite food?
Pepperoni pizza (Mine too, kid)
10. Who’s your best friend?
Charlie (From daycare. While he’s mighty adorable, I’m pretty sure she only said this because she was playing with him today.)
11. What is your favorite show?
PJ Masks (I so thought she was going to say Grey’s Anatomy.)
12. What’s your favorite song?
Mr. Golden Sun (Breaks into song in case I needed a refresher. I don’t. I sing it to her every goddamn day.)
13. What is your favorite animal?
Kitty. And Minnie. (She’s apparently thinking of her stuffed animals she sleeps with.)
14. What are you scared of?
15. What makes you happy?
Uh oh! (Someone is coding on Grey’s Anatomy.) ‘Miley faces!
16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
(Pondering.) Owlette!
17. What does love mean?
Um, hearts.
Thanks is adorable! I have to try this with Kate
Do it!!!
So cute!! I will have to try this out but I am sure I will get even less answers!
You should!!! Just to see what comes out of his mouth!!