I read somewhere a long time ago, that a good blogger shouldn’t acknowledge the fact that it has been awhile since the last post.
Hey, ya’ll sorry it’s been so long since I’ve last posted!
We are to mentally move past that, and just start writing. People don’t like to read about the fact that you didn’t post. It’s very obvious you’ve not posted in some time. So I’m not going to bore you with the fact that I clearly haven’t posted shit in awhile. Can we just move past the fact that I never blog anymore and when I do, I have nothing good to say?
Things are totally cray-cray ’round here! I’ve been so busy with little Jaysen I haven’t had a SECOND to write on here!
1, I am not hating on people who stop posting because of babies. I can barely take care of myself these days, I have nothing but respect for new moms.
2, I’m sorry for making fun of anyone who named their child Jaysen. But seriously, it’s Jason.
Moving on? I’m probably going to get some anonymous hate comments for that.
Anonymous said…
It seems to me that you are a little bitter. Maybe you need to start appreciating wat you have and stop making fun of ppl and wat they choose to name their babies. You seem pretty depressed and you should prolly get some counseling or something. Just saying.
Life has been pretty interesting these days. I just started a new job as an RN Case Manager for an amazing corporate office, increasing my salary by a YOUGE amount. This week was the start of my orientation. However, my house has been sans water since Tuesday. Actually Tuesday morning I got up, ready to hit the second day on the job, saw myself in the mirror, and thought, Yikes! Time to shower!
And then, nothing. No water.
The day before, I was late for orientation because the train was 15 minutes late arriving. So that morning, I couldn’t shower, couldn’t even wash my face, so I had to go in with greasy hair on the second day of work.
I’m really creating a great impression.
Not too sure about what’s going on with this belt, but it was 5:45 in the morning and I can’t dress myself.
So I have been staying with my parents while Chris is at home with the dog. It’s been a huge disruption on top of a change in jobs. I am so thankful for my parents for letting me sleep there and for us to use their shower and laundry machines. SHOUT OUT!
With this job, we are pushing back the third IVF, the final one until we move to the donor egg program, until May or June. We have a vacation planned soon and I feel too awkward asking for more time off for monitoring appointments and vacation for bedrest so soon after starting. It sucks, but I don’t see a better option.
I know I am hopelessly behind in blog reading. I know I don’t need to justify anything, but I feel like this time away from blogging, and infertility, in general, has given me a renewed energy to get back in there and start up again. So I am looking forward to catching up on some good reading.
Happy Saturday!
Oh Risa, I've missed you. I'm SO happy to hear from you! Congratulations on the new job. So AWESOME! Glad you're back.
Welcome back! Congrats on the new job and I hope the water is back soon!
good to hear from you! I've been wondering. Congrats on the new job and extra cash flow!
Welcome back!! And congrats on the new job!! XO
Congratulations on the new job – sounds awesome! We are gearing up for IVF#2 after another CP. Pulling out the big guns with ICSI and PGD so we shall if the acronyms will work!
I am seriously laughing so hard right now! #1 the spelling of Jason. #2 I think your anonymous commenter could possibly be in elementary school with the spelling! I'm not a bitter person at all and definitely enjoy making fun of names that parents think are cool, but their poor kids will get crap for the rest of their lives. I am one of those people!
Congrats on the new job, and glad you're back! Sometimes a break is all you need to get your mojo back!
We've missed you! Congrats on the new job -that sounds awesome!
I'm so glad you're doing ok Risa! Congrats on the new job! That's such great news.
Make fun of baby names all you want. When I worked in NICU, I encountered a couple who named their baby America. The ironic thing is that we're Canadian. Lol.
Glad you're back!
LOL! I almost thought that you'd gotten pregnant spontaneously & abandoned your blog. Oh well….
Congrats on the new job…and welcome back.
Congrats on the new job and extra mula.
So glad you're back and congrats on the new job! Your anonymous commenter needs to learn a thing or two about spelling…
Have been thinking of you often!
Seriously LOLing at that imaginary comment. I almost wanted to log in anonymously and leave it here and have you wonder who did it. Welcome back!
It's always good to read your words, no matter what you're writing about. Congrats on that awesome new job. Also, I have your back on this Jaysen thing. If you're going to give your kid a "traditional" name but then try to be different by giving it a ridiculous spelling, well, you deserve mockery. The end.
I literally was thinking of you yesterday and wondering how things were. So glad to hear about the new position, such a bummer about not having water and glad to see that you're moving through life at your own pace.
Congratulations on your new job! I appreciate the commentary on the spelling of Jason! You are too funny!
Welcome back! I have missed your posts and the humor you include in each one 🙂
I am glad that you are back! Congrats on the job!
I think a break is always a good thing…as well as a much needed and deserved vacation! I am glad that you are able to get away! 🙂 Welcome back, friend!
Haha Jaysen. Nope, not a name. Congrats on the new job!
Glad to hear from you, was thinking about you just the other day! Congrats on the new job and hope you have a great vacation!
Congrats on the job! welcome back!
I completely agree with unique spellings of names these days- WTF?
Congrats on the new job!! Plus it comes with lots more money? SCORE!!
Hello from a long-time lurker and welcome back! I had been wondering what the latest was since you hadn't posted in awhile. (Kind of creepy coming from a lurker?) Congrats on the new job! That's great!
The "Jaysen" thing irks me, too. Another "creative" spelling that really bothers me: "Jaxin" for Jackson. Bleeeeggghh.
Congrats on the new job! And there's nothing wrong with delaying your next steps, around these life changes. Lord knows we deal with enough stress, why add to it knowingly? Enjoy your upcoming vacation!
Love your new background, BTW.
Welcome back! Congrats on the new job. Hope you like it as much as I like mine. I forgive you for your lapse in blogging because I'm in the same boat! Lol! Just don't have much to say!
Congratulations on the new job! And I'm definitely chuckling at the Jaysen/Jason thing…
Oh Risa, I have missed you and your snarky sense of humor. You make me laugh 🙂 congrats in the new job. I hope that things got better after those first few days and you were able to improve upon the first impression! What a way to start a new job. I'm sure they love you and you had nothing to worry about!
I just love how you write and I've MISSED you!! You are hilarious. And congrats on the job.