First of all, I am so appreciative of all the success stories you all have shared. You have no idea how relieved I was feeling with each and every story. So thank you. I’m feeling better. More optimistic.
9:30 pm on Tuesday I let my husband give me an injection in the booty with a very big needle. I’m glad to say it turned out ok. I used lots of ice to numb the spot that my fabulous co-worker drew a circle around that afternoon. Besides him injecting the stuff so.incredibly.slow he did well.
This morning, I woke up, brushed my hair and teeth, slipped on some comfy clothes, and we were off to the clinic!
I was told not to use any scented lotions, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. No nail polish or jewelry. Apparently the eggies don’t like it. I also couldn’t eat or drink anything since midnight the night before.
I was so nervous! We had some bad traffic so it took us about an hour to get there. While we were in the car, Chris took my hand.
“I haven’t been this nervous since our wedding day,” he said, “I have butterflies in my stomach.”
Sitting in the waiting room, I was reminded of when I first started going to my appointments at CRM. I would watch the nurse come out in surgical scrubs and call the couple’s names and the two patients would stand up and walk with her into the IVF surgical suites. I always thought to myself, is that going to be me someday?
It was surreal, walking back with the nurse to the pre-op room. She asked a lot of questions about my medical history, explained my discharge instructions, and told me what was going to happen. She let me get into my get-up while she got the doctor and the anesthesiologist.
I wore the lucky socks that I got from a blogger friend via a sock exchange.
Dr. C. came in and explained the procedure. He was really nice. I asked him if five eggs were ok. He said the same thing my doctor said, that right now, they are going for quality over quantity.
The anesthesiologist came next and asked me the medical history questions again. Then Chris went to the lab to do his part, and I was led back to the surgical suite where I laid on the table and was covered with a warm blanket. She put oxygen on me, and started an IV (my first ever) and asked where I worked. While I was talking to her, another nurse came in and asked me if I had ever started an IV before. I was staring up at the ceiling, wondering when I was going to fall asleep…
And suddenly I was being wheeled into the recovery room and Chris was there waiting. Wow, I was so out of it! No pain, which I was happy with. I still had the IV running and my blood pressure was being monitored. Chris told me Dr. C. retrieved ten eggs!
Feeling pretty good despite eggs being ripped from my body.
To conclude, here is an extremely embarrassing albeit hilarious video Chris took. He is explaining to me that they retrieved ten eggs and I…am happy about it.
So now I have just been resting. I ate a bagel and cream cheese from Panera to test my stomach from the anesthesia. Ok I lied, I ate two. I’ve been doing ok. My ovaries are a little angry, but the Tylenol helps for the most part. I’m just tired and bloated. I have been slowly waddling walking around and napping.
Saturday the embryologist will be calling and letting us know how many eggs survived and how many are growing. It’s a weird feeling. My babies could be starting to grow right now.
My babies. What a strange thing to say out loud.
I am SO very excited for you!!! Prayers and baby dust being sent your way!!! 🙂
Yay, how exciting! BTW, I Love te video:)
I've been checking in all day waiting for and update…did I read that correctly…TEN!!! That's fantastic!
Sooo excited for you guys! Grow babies grow!! And the video literally made me laugh until I had tears especially since I played it for DH and he was cracking up. I never know what to ask him after it collect – now I know! Thinking of you!
Oh Risa, this post is adorable. Love the pics and the video is priceless! I was so nervous with my first IVF that my BP was like 158/90-something. It's a different kind of nervous b/c you are not only nervous to be going through the procedure, but you have so much riding on the outcome. I am so, so happy they were able to retrieve 10 follicles. That is awesome! Praying for lots of healthy embies. Rest up and praying for peace for you and Chris while you are waiting for your report. If you think you were nervous today, wait til Saturday. LOL!
aghhhh! amazing. you are adorable. also, this is so very sweet. i'm excited!! can't wait until saturday!!!!!
Awww, love this! 10 eggs! Yay! Now for those babies to just grow strong 🙂
and how the hell did you get TEN EGGS (!!!) out of 5 mature follicles??!
Ten is AWESOME! Sounds like you had a few in hiding! Woo hoooo! Can't wait for the happy update! 🙂
YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! Doing a crazy happy dance on this end! 10 eggs!!! 10!!! That's such an awesome number!!! Rest up, take good care of yourself and know that you've done an amazing job. Come on eggies: fertilize and GROW!!!!
I'm so confused, but it doesn't matter… that's AWESOME news Risa! Hoping that you get an excellent fertilization report! Congratulations!
Woo hoo! Thanks Stephanie!
Ha ha thanks!
OMG, I'm so happy they got so many eggs! Sending you lots of luck Risa (you may not have been able to cry because of the drugs, but I teared up watching you guys)
You're so sweet! I know, crazy right?
This made ME laugh! Geez. I honestly don't quite remember this conversation!
Oh I know Jenni. I mean, right now I'm so much less stressed because they at least got some. That conversation with the doctor on Tuesday about it not being the best cycle made me so anxious. And thanks so much for your prayers, friend!
TEN?!?!?! Yayyy!!!
Well I guess there were five that we already knew about. And a few that were almost to maturity. Well today the doctor told Chris that they those other follicles seemed good enough to retrieve and there ended up being eggs in there. Of course they may not all be mature… But it's pretty cool just the same. 🙂 Definitely will keep you posted for Saturday. So hoping some of those end up liking Chris' sperm!
Thanks dear friend! I can't wait until Saturday!
Yep, apparently so. I was pretty happy about that! Can't wait to update you all again!
Hooray for happy dances! I can't believe it! I'm not as sore as I thought I would be, but things are still pretty angry in there. Just want to know that my babies are growing.. 🙂
Ha ha read what I replied back to lamentingthelentil. I had to ask Chris how that all worked out, but now it makes sense. And thanks!
Ha ha no kidding! I think I am still letting the shock of the day wear off.. It's been a roller coaster that's for sure. 🙂
I know!!! Now I play another waiting game….
Oh my gosh, hilarious 🙂 And ten!?!? That is amazing!!! Grow babies, grow!!!
Way to go you little cheesehead! Mom & I love you!
Thanks Emily! So praying my babies grow!
Aww thanks Daddy 🙂
Hi from ICLW! Love your little video! I'm excited for you guys and will be following up on your update for your transfer. By the way, I went to CRM too, and did IUIs and 3 IVFs with them. However, we were not successful, but now we are in the process of adopting embryos from TN. Praying for you success for you guys! Let me know if you ever want to meet another blogger in real life! You can email me at babyonmind at gmail dot com.
Woot woot!! I was thinking of you this morning when I went in. So happy the other follies grew fast and could be retrieved! Hope they all become perfect embies.
And your video made me laugh. So fun to see such a great moment for you guys.
Will be thinking and praying for you guys! ((Hugs))
Ten is fantastic! I am sending you all kinds of positive thoughts for a great fertilization report, and I'm really glad you're feeling good.
Wow double! That's amazing! I pray for a great fertilization report as well!
SO SO happy and hopeful for you!!!!!
LOL! Love the video. I totally remember (sort of) that feeling of after retrieval (although, they don¨t knock us out here, just morphine us). I definitely said some loopy things to DH.
Loving the number 10! I can't wait to hear what happens!
Oh my gosh…the video!!! SO funny!!! And so exciting that they got 10 eggs!!
"I could cry right now if I cared." LOL! I was crying for you. Seriously, your little video made me cry like a baby. And I love how you asked about his masturbating with a totally straight face. You rock! Sending lots of growing embaby vibes your way. 🙂
Oh, yay! Here is hoping for a fantastic fertilization report!
I'm so excited for you! And yes, your video made me cry 🙂 Can't wait to hear the fert. report!!
I love the video. Hooray for ten eggs!
WOW! 10!! That is wonderful news! Congrats! I will continue praying for you! Grow little babies!
grow babies grow!!! 🙂
Congratulations! 10 eggs is amazing!
After seeing that video, I think that it should be required for every IF blogger to video themselves after retrieval. I was cracking up at my desk. "I could cry if I cared!"
Wow ten is wonderful!!! So glad up to this point everything has gone so well for you, this is so exciting! Can't wait for an update 🙂
Hi There, I just started reading your blog, and absolutely love it! The video was awesome. I am just starting the IVF stage, and my box of meds arrived yesterday! I am not sure how I am going to handle all these shots, its like the blind leading the blind at my house! Congrats on 10 eggs! Thank you for sharing your story to help others who have NO IDEA how to handle all this!
Such good news!
I am so glad that you had some more follicles get in the game! That trigger shot can do amazing things!! I was all ready to harass you today about how they were doing then saw you have to wait until Saturday… On pins and needles hoping they are doing wonderfully well.
And *freaking* *loved* your video. Thanks for sharing it. 😀
Good luck, you two! Wishing you many happy embabies…
Hoping you get that BFP soon!
I'm so glad it went well! I hope to hear some amazing news soon!!! 😀
Love the socks, btw!
Amazing!! congrats!! And by the way Chris was driving me a little crazy that he wouldn't tell you how many eggs they retrieved until you flat out asked… my husband is the same. Can't wait for the fertilization report!!
I keep checking your page like a madwoman to try to catch that fertilization report when it's hot off the press. 😉 Thinking of you!
CRAZY busy weekend, so I have really been looking forward to some down time so that I can check up on you and how things are going. It made my day that they got TEN eggs! Yippee! So happy for you.
Love the video!lol
Hi! I remembered when I read this I was going to check out your blog, and then I fell asleep. 🙂 That's pretty crazy you went there too. Wishing you the best through your adoption journey 🙂 That would be awesome to meet!