I have to have sex with my husband on Christmas

This post is part of the 30 Day Infertility Blogging Challenge. I thought this might be a great way for me to focus on my infertility, but also to show myself in a different light. You can read the whole series by clicking here.

I have to have sex with my husband on Christmas

17.  Tell us your funniest Clomid/Femera/Injectibles mood-swing story.  If you don’t have one, tell us your funniest general infertility drug story.

Well, as I have said before, Clomid makes me very emotional.  One time, during a particularly, sensitive, moment, Chris and I were watching TV and some commercial came on and it made me cry.  This in and of itself is not unusual.  But I cried a lot.  And when Chris laughed and hugged me saying it was just hormones, I cried harder.  Then I started laughing hysterically and ended the madness by crying again.  Then I apologized.  A few minutes later, I snapped at him for not emptying the dishwasher.

Clomid makes me nuts.  I like to think I don’t have bad PMS like some, where I get completely irrationally mean.  But when they say Clomid gives you mood swings, they should have put a picture of me of the bottle, mascara running down my face.

I have to have sex with my husband on Christmas

Speaking of which, what a crappy Christmas.  The CD 11 ultrasound showed smaller follicles.  The nurse said there could be a discrepancy from having two different sonographers, but my bloodwork should show what is really going on.  If my estrogen levels were increasing from the previous levels, it would show follicle growth.

“I’m sure they are increasing,” she reassured me.  We set appointments for back-to-back IUIs Wednesday and Thursday.

Fast forward a few hours.  I am at my parent’s house and I get a call from the office.  Surprise, my estrogen levels dropped.  Apparently I was already ovulating.  Shit.  So IUIs were canceled and I was told to trigger that night and try to get pregnant the au natural way that night and today.  So, enter fucking Clomid mood swings:  I started crying on the phone with the nurse.  It’s really not a huge issue, but we have been baby-dancing for four years like this and no baby.  The shot will help and I am still doing the progesterone, so there is still a chance.

The highlight of my day was meeting my new infertility buddy at church for the first time in person.  She was there with her husband and their miracle IVF baby and they said a prayer for us.

The rest of the night was tough with my relatives.  I am just not feeling in the Christmas spirit this year.  Somehow, it just didn’t seem fair that I was shooting myself up in the bathroom of my aunt’s house with my hCG shot just to try to get pregnant while everyone else has their babies.  Eh. Anyway, hope everyone else had a good Christmas.  Maybe next year will be my year…

Today was better.  Chris and I opened stocking presents and gave Toby his presents.  It’s better today.  I peed on a stick and got a smiley face so I am in fact ovulating and the hCG trigger worked.  We got the sex in so I am feeling a little better.


  1. December 26, 2012 / 9:24 am

    I totally hated it when cycles were cancelled! I'm so sorry. Fingers crossed the natural way works.
    I wasn't feeling xmas this year either. Well, up until the 24th, I was in the mood and ready for it, then everything just fizzled for me. Thankfully it's over now.

  2. December 26, 2012 / 10:20 am

    Sorry that things didn't work out as planned for this cycle. But at least there's still an outside chance and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  3. December 27, 2012 / 10:51 am

    Thanks, ladies. I appreciate it.

  4. December 27, 2012 / 11:47 am

    Again, so sorry about this cycle. I can imagine it must be so disappointing and frustrating. Meeting you and Chris was also the highlight of my day. (-: I felt just awful when Harriet came waddling into the sanctuary. I know it's never easy to see babies when you're fighting so hard for one, so I'm really sorry about that. )-: We are continuing to pray for you guys.

  5. December 27, 2012 / 11:55 am

    Oh no, Em. I mean, babies are hard, but for some reason IF babies give me hope, because I know what it took to bring them into the world. Trust me, I thought she was adorable and I am so happy I got to see her in real life. Thanks for much for the prayers. It means more than you know.

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