September 2020 in review

It’s already autumn and September is over. Ever since Olivia returned to daycare a few months ago, the weeks seem to fly by. During lockdown they dragged, and now the evenings are getting darker. It’s a tough time of year for me because I don’t do well with the increased darkness and I’m not sure what this winter will bring as far as sicknesses.

Unfortunately, we canceled our annual trip to the North Shore, which was a shame because that weekend seemed to be gorgeous with the fall colors, but it would have been a lot of driving and with Olivia’s new carsickness and my whole emetophobia thing…it just wasn’t a good idea. What made it especially rough is that Emelia’s dependence on me means Chris and I couldn’t just have taken the trip and left the kids with my parents. So it’s sad, but we managed to still do some fun things.

September 2020 in review


Crocheting. And writing. And occasionally taking care of the kids. I’m six weeks in with this new hobby—crocheting, not caring for children—and I think I’ve picked it up remarkably fast. I’m working on a blanket for Olivia, my sister’s gift, and a huge throw for myself that I’m hoping I can finish to actually get to enjoy it this winter. I’m almost done with the Books track of the ASJA conference and am learning a lot on what it means to get a book published. Read: writing a book is intimidating. No wonder most people never do it. I still haven’t found out my status of membership yet, so I’m thinking I’ll need to check in with them again. I officially have been diagnosed with early arthritis in my knees. Apparently, it’s wild in my family, with people getting diagnosed in their thirties—who knew? Fun times around here. So now I’m gearing up to see an orthopedist in the near future. Actually, my acupuncturist said she can do some intense treatments for it and it could help put off surgery for a while longer.

September 2020 in review


Running a lot. His virtual marathon is coming up in mid-October and he’s mapped out his route to bypass as much car traffic as possible. He’s been taking a few days off here and there which is really nice. I love having him home working, but it’s nice to get his full attention, especially since his job has been a bit crazy with training in new people. We celebrated his 38th birthday with pizza and cupcakes (Olivia was really put out that there were no balloons and I told her adult birthdays are boring). He spent to the span of several days taking down our pool and storing it until next summer, bless him.

September 2020 in review


Done with daycare. She started pre-K on Wednesday. She’s been so excited to go back, especially because this year her friend will be in it with her. She isn’t saying goodbye permanently to her daycare provider she’s known now for two and a half years—we’re still going to be popping in once or twice a month for care.

September 2020 in review

She loves playing with her sister, especially when Emelia crawls on her, and does so well making sure her tiny toys are picked up in her room. She continues to love art projects and really is making some amazing masterpieces lately.


Angry with life when she’s not being held or entertained, but she’s been making some great progress in her physical development. She’s pulling to stand, and can stand in her pack and play and crib. She also loves standing up on the bathtub and fireplace mantel. She loves holding balls from her ball pit, following her sister around, and taking baths (with her sister, obvi). She loves her babies class and staring at all her new friends and stimulating toys she doesn’t have at home.

September 2020 in review


  • I’ve gotten out a few times this month for lunches and dinners with friends and breakfast with my mom.
  • I used spray paint for the time, first painting my AlphaSmart, and then my grandma’s bookshelf that’s in my office.
  • Went out for breakfast with my mom and Olivia to one of our favorite restaurants for the first time since the pandemic.
  • My sister and I went antiquing and I found some great things. We hadn’t done it in ages.
  • I had another massage appointment, along with acupuncture.
  • Emelia is pulling herself to stand.
  • We made our first turkey! And then had the best dinner of mashed potato casserole, stuffing, corn, and cranberries.
  • I did another sale for the kid’s consignment sale.
  • We took the girls to a nearby town for ice cream and a walk along the river.
September 2020 in review
  • Olivia had her first birthday party without one of us staying. She did great and it shows she’s really growing up.
  • I bought all the girls’ birthday and Christmas presents at the consignment sale.
  • One of my favorite sandwiches at Panera was the Sierra Turkey until they took it off the menu a few years ago. Chris and I recreated it at home and it was close enough to the real thing.
September 2020 in review


  • I’ve been feeling really discouraged lately on pitching. There’s been a ton of rejections, and while there are some potential opportunities coming up, nothing as a freelancer is written in stone.
  • Emelia has been screamy and clingy for what feels like the past month. It’s either teething or a developmental thing, but I need this to be done soon.
  • I’ve been woken up twice a night by Emelia in the last few weeks and it’s starting to wear on me, the sleep deprivation.
  • My fall allergies have been in full swing. So much sneezing and itching.
September 2020 in review


  • The kids’ combined birthday party. I’m 90% ready for it, and just need a few more things. I’m so glad we decided on a bounce house to keep the kids entertained outside. I have masks and sanitizer and am working on making things as safe as possible.
  • All the crochet gifts I need to get done before Christmas. As a newbie, I’m pretty slow with it, and hope I can get everything done.
  • All the wrapping I need to still do for the party.
  • Olivia starting back at preschool. I hope this winter goes well, because we all don’t do well when we’re all stuck at home with each other.
September 2020 in review

Read more monthly review posts here.

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