“Right Now” October 2017

Reading: The Lake House by Kate Morton. It started out a little slow, but it’s getting really good now.

Watching: After binging “American Horror Story: Roanoke” (So good. So many screams), Chris and I are now onto “Stranger Things 2.” Also, “Spirit” on Netflix. I turned it on for Olivia one day and she was hooked. Surprisingly, it was tolerable to watch with her. I’ve also been scrapbooking again and my room I use only has a TV and DVD player, so I’ve been watching Will and Grace seasons.

Listening: I’ve been listening to “Stuff You Should Know” podcasts while working out.

Drinking: Water, as usual.

Eating: Chris (and Olivia) made us homemade ravioli with this sausage filling last night, which was incredible, and we had garlic bread and Caesar salad with it. Olivia loved it.

Wearing: You guys. After being diagnosed with peri-menopause, I’m finally cold! Hallelujah. So in typing this down in the basement, I’m in my purple fleece zip-up, maternity jeans, and under my blanket.

Loving: The new Will and Grace episodes! And Stranger Things 2! And my new laminator. As a fellow neurotically organized Type A, this thing has been amazing. And I even got my craft on and laminated some big fall leaves for Olivia. I taped them on the patio door and voilá—free decor.

Anticipating: Olivia’s 2nd birthday. She is going to be so much fun opening presents this year. It’s going to be pretty low key—homemade lasagna, garlic bread, salad (with Olive Garden dressing!) and a cake from Costco. Our families gathered. Some Minnie Mouse plates. You know. Nice and low key.

Hoping: To get my room downstairs put back together finally. We had some flooding a year and a half ago and had to cut half the carpet out and some sections of the wall to get rid of the mold damage. It’s been a mess, but Chris and I got a giant carpet remnant with my birthday money to put in there and I’ve been slowly getting it back in order. We still weren’t able to find the source of the flooding, but at least with winter coming, we won’t have to worry about water seeping in for a while. I got a little desk from Walmart and I’ve been working on moving my stuff back in there. We decided to leave the section of carpet padding because it’s way more comfortable to sit on. Once we can fix the problem, we’ll get new padding and put the baseboards back on. But this is a great solution in the meantime and I’ve missed this space.

Following: A whole bunch of blogs that talk about, well, blogs. There are a few things I want to do with my own site in 2018, so I’m reading up and storing away some tips. It’s way more fun reading about blogging than it is actually blogging sometimes.

Wondering: How Olivia will do trick or treating tomorrow. We’re going to be indoors at a mall, which I’m so excited for because it got cold here in Minnesota and I didn’t want to have to put her in a jacket with her costume. But I’m wondering if she will get it and actually want to approach the retail staff to get candy. Because, you know, Chris and I need our candy fix and it’s much cuter to have a toddler ask for it than us.

Trying: To be consistent with working out again. I’m doing really well on the strength training, which has always been more enjoyable for me than cardio. I’ve noticed my knee hasn’t been hurting as much anymore. Wins all around. I just have to keep it up.

Worrying: About our upcoming FET. More specifically, the money for our upcoming FET. I can’t even bring myself to call the clinic to have the consult because we still aren’t even halfway with the funds we’d need. Our plan of March will probably be pushed to June, and since I don’t want to be in Texas in summer, if we don’t have the money ready, we’d need to wait until next fall.

Planning: Maybe not so much planning, but straight up working on my scrapbooking again. I just finished my scrapbook from our 2012 vacation to San Francisco that’s spent a few years sitting unfinished. Now I need to scrapbook our 2014 Colorado trip and then catch up on everything else up until Olivia’s birth. From then on, it’s Shutterfly scrapbooks all the way. Which makes me sad, but since I only do my scrapbooking spread out on the floor, it’s been really hard on my mid and upper back and I haven’t had those issues in so long.

Contemplating: When and where the monthly date night will be for November for Chris and me. I have an old gift card to a restaurant we had been to once that was really good, so I’m sure it will be there.

Check out past “Right Now” posts by clicking here.

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  1. Amie
    October 30, 2017 / 10:14 am

    We went to a trunk or treat at our church Saturday. Recap: Bowen wouldn’t wear his Buzz Lightyear costume, was scared of the costumes people were wearing, only wanted to get in the pool of water that contained yellow ducks at one of the booths while it was freezing outside!, wanted all the balloons attached to said booths. The End. haha Overall he did pretty well and I did manage to get candy out of the whole deal. He didn’t get the trick or treating concept though. The one thing he did like was searching for candy in the hay so that was fun.

    • Risa
      October 30, 2017 / 1:36 pm

      Ha ha ha!!!! Hey, as long as you wound up with some candy in the end, it’s a win. 😉 It does sound really fun, though! Searching for candy in the hay would be right up Olivia’s alley!

  2. October 30, 2017 / 12:58 pm

    Glad you’re reading The Lake House!! I found the beginning a little slow also, but ended up LOVING it!! Your downstairs room sounds like such a great little space!! I wish I had a basement!!

    • Risa
      October 30, 2017 / 1:33 pm

      I just hit an “Oh snap!” part. Too bad I have to work. 😉 And yes. It’s not the prettiest, but eh, it’s still my space.

  3. October 30, 2017 / 5:13 pm

    I guess you could always bundle her up and dress her like Marshmallow Man! 😉

    I love your leaf decorations, and I bet the homemade ravioli was awesome!

    Also, your blogging research reminds me that I think you had a writing question I forgot to answer. I’ll go track it down!

    • Risa
      October 30, 2017 / 8:35 pm

      Ha ha! And thank you! They look better when you look at them from further away. The ravioli was amazing. We scarfed it in 15 minutes.

  4. October 31, 2017 / 11:21 pm

    I love the snapshot of your life this post brings us.
    Also, I’m still drooling over the sound of that ravioli.

    • Risa
      November 1, 2017 / 2:44 pm

      Oooo, yes. It was so good!

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