“Right Now” May 2017

Reading:  I’m still reading The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabalden. I just downloaded a free book called Beautiful Storm that I read when I’m nursing Olivia to bed because it’s on my phone. For a free book, it’s been good, but I just started it.

Watching: I finished “13 Reasons Why” (So good! I’m rewatching it) and Chris and I are continuing to make our way through “Parenthood” on Netflix. We’ve also been watching the prison documentaries like “Locked Up.”

Listening: To the rain. We’re drowning in rain here in MN. It actually ruined our plans to plant our garden this weekend because it won’t. stop. raining.

Drinking: Water. And I may have a glass of wine next to me.

Eating: If I say Aldi’s French Onion Dip and wavy potato chips, would you judge me?

Wearing: My white nursing cami I received to review from Bravado Designs, my LulaRoe leggings, socks, and am huddled under my fuzzy blanket.

Loving: Olivia’s new zest for imitating a monkey and her ability to turn her wails frown upside down and boogy down whenever I start singing a snappy tune to her. Distraction. It’s hilarious.

Anticipating: Planting the garden. Sometime. We have 24 tomato plants, 30 lettuce plants, several varieties of pepper plants, zucchini, some cucumber plants for making pickles, and basil. We still need to pick up some seeds for green beans, spinach and some more herbs. So… whenever it decides to stop raining, we can do this thing.

Hoping: We can get Olivia’s pool set up here in the next few weeks, if the weather will ever warm up consistently. She has a Minnie Mouse swim suit to wear.

Following: This whole Will and Grace show returning this fall. I can’t even handle this news. And apparently Roseanne is coming back too?? Is this for real??

Wondering: If Chris and I will make our date night this month. We missed last month because time just got away and now it’s almost the end of May and we still haven’t planned anything.

Trying: A new recipe this week: Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken Tacos. Since you really can’t go wrong with tacos, I’m sure it will be delicious!

Worrying: About Olivia’s 18 month well-child check tomorrow with my family practice doctor for the first time. She was seeing a pediatrician but I’ve been getting tired of her getting sick after every time she goes in. Plus, it makes me more anxious, being out in the waiting room with all the other sick kids. I love her pedi, but my doctor is at a quieter, smaller clinic with no other kids. With the measles outbreak we’re currently having, I feel better with this whole change even more. But it’s still a change. I’m worried about how my doctor will handle her screaming during the exam. Her pedi is so good and experienced at just getting the exam done and doing it fast and I’m just wondering how my own doctor will be at this.

Planning: Some weight loss. After a hiatus from the gym due to Olivia’s sickness and me being under the weather, I’ve been trying to get my 12 visits into the gym for the insurance credit this month. I’m planning on a work out routine of 2 days of cardio, one of a yoga/pilates, and 2 of weight training. But first I need to finish this French Onion dip and chips.

Contemplating: Seeing a therapist for my anxiety. I’ve had it for years. It’s gradually gotten worse after Olivia came because it was all directed at her. Namely in the fact that I never realized how bad my phobia of vomiting is until she got sick back months ago and someone shared with me that my horrible, horrible anxiety towards Olivia’s vomiting was partly due to an underlying phobia. So I’ve been thinking more and more about seeing someone, for the anxiety in general, but also for this phobia. Because it’s not normal and it’s quite debilitating.

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  1. May 22, 2017 / 9:11 am

    Olivia’s pedi doesn’t have a separate area for well visit patients? Ours does and it seems like some others I know of do as well. I hate that you have to change due to illness. And a measles outbreak??? I thought that’s what they got the vaccines for? Bowen normally fights getting weighed for sure but when I took him in for his ear infection he actually stood on the scale and let them weigh him…say what?!?! BUT if he has to be stripped down for the 18 month visit that might be a fight.

    • Risa
      May 22, 2017 / 9:24 am

      Nope. They’re all mixed together according to which doctor is on what side of the room. It sucks. And yeah, measles outbreak. We have a large Somali population here in St. Paul and there’s been a big push for educating that population on vaccines, but there has also been concerns with anti vax groups and ugh. It’s a mess.

  2. May 22, 2017 / 3:17 pm

    The Fiery Cross was my least favorite of the Outlander books so I feel you.

    • Risa
      May 23, 2017 / 10:10 pm

      It’s SO much better than Dragonfly in Amber. That one was painful most of the time. This one is definitely taking me awhile to finish though.. 🙂

  3. May 22, 2017 / 8:04 pm

    Hope the appointment goes well tomorrow, and I would never judge anyone for chips and dip. Yum…

    • Risa
      May 23, 2017 / 10:10 pm

      Ha! Thanks!

  4. May 24, 2017 / 8:49 pm

    Good for you for recognizing your fear is holding you back and wanting to conquer it. It’s so easy to let things build up over months and years and not even realize your life has gotten smaller and smaller because of this one thing that you’ve suddenly gone so far out of your way to avoid.

  5. Jane allen
    May 26, 2017 / 12:03 am

    I Know seriously what is with all the old shows coming back? Although I want more Gilmore Girls. Even though the Revival was flawed, I can get enough

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