“Right Now” June 2017

Reading:  I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from the Outlander series, since I will be starting book 6. In the meantime, I just finished reading Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things, which was fantastic, as well as A Dog’s Purpose, and now I want to see the movie. Both books are highly recommended. Now that I have finished them, I will be starting the next Outlander book.

Watching: Speaking of Outlander, I just watched the first episode of season 1, which I loved. I can’t tell if Chris actually liked it, or merely tolerated it. I may have ruined it a bit with squeals of, “Oooo! That’s him! That’s Jamie!” I’m also making my way through the new season of OITNB, and Chris and I are almost done with the Parenthood series. I also am a few episodes into Sons of Anarchy.

Listening: Chris bought the new Imagine Dragons album off Amazon for $5, so I’m pretty stoked about that. I’ve also been digging The Chainsmokers.

Drinking: I’m going to go with wine, being that I haven’t been drinking as much water as I should be. Also, we’re growing mint out in our garden and I plucked a few leaves last night to infuse in a pitcher of water.

Eating: I’ve been a bit lazy this week (or is this being frugal?) making a meal and then having the leftovers the next day. Tonight we made homemade pizza with green pepper, mushrooms, sausage and pepperoni. Olivia ate two slices, minus the irrelevant crust. Currently, I just got back from the gym and I have some wicked heartburn so I don’t trust myself to eat anything right now.

Wearing: Pajamas: capris bottoms and a tank. Sans bra, because it’s after 7:00.

Loving: The Keen sandals I bought for Olivia from a consignment shop today for $7. Are they a bit boyish? Maybe a little. But also $7.

Anticipating: Date night (OK, technically it’s for our anniversary in two weeks). We started doing Groupons again and I found this awesome farm to table restaurant in the city. I paid $27 for $60 worth of food. I’m so excited. I love new restaurants.

Hoping: Olivia sleeps through the night again. It’s been kind of a hit or miss lately with her teething. Currently, she’s been awake twice crying and it’s only 9:30.

Following: I haven’t really been plugged into the news lately because it’s depressing, so… this one is hard.. I’m not currently really following anything. Blogs? Can I say that? Not that I’m exactly stellar at doing that these days either.

Wondering: How I can eat another container of Aldi’s French Onion dip and chips without getting fatter…

Trying: To get Olivia’s Father’s Day photos done. Last year, I painted letters to spell “D A D” and had her hold them. I wanted to do that again so I can update his frame, but so far I’ve been failing. Must get on this before she gets her driver’s license.

Worrying: It’s forecasting rain this weekend and we have a full weekend of 4th of July crap going on that I’m actually excited for and it better not rain on my parade (literally).

Planning: To get a bunch of things done off my to-do list on Friday. My mama is taking Olivia for six hours (!!!!!!) while I stay at home and plow through all the things that have been neglected (my freelance writing course, my nursing continuing education credits, the appointments that need to get scheduled, her 12 month clothes to sort through).

Contemplating: The possibility of leaving Olivia at my parent’s house overnight for our 9th anniversary in July. I’ve only left her once and that was with Chris, but I guess it’s good practice. My mom offered, so I need to really consider it.

If you guys have any tips for a clingy mama-lovin, solely breastfed baby to be left with her grandparents for a night, I’m all ears.

Check out past “Right Now” posts by clicking here.


  1. June 29, 2017 / 2:02 am

    Good luck with going away for the night. My only tip would be make the best decision for you and then stick with it. Whichever choice you pick, to go or not go, promise yourself not to feel guilty about not doing the other one : )

    • Risa
      July 13, 2017 / 2:37 pm

      Thanks girl!

  2. Beth
    June 29, 2017 / 4:58 am

    I agree with Jen. My older daughter was the same – clingy etc. We had a lot of pressure by certain family members (cough inlaws cough) to force the sleepover issue but I was not comfortable. She’s 6 and we’re still not there because she’s not ready and I’m not ready. But I refuse to feel guilt. So whatever you decide, embrace it. If you go, have a blast! And if you don’t, try not to stress. The right time will come (likely before she’s 6 like me, if you’re already considering it). 🙂

    • Risa
      July 13, 2017 / 2:42 pm

      See, I am totally ok with it, because I do want a night away with my husband. It’s mostly that I feel bad if she were to wake up really early in the morning and get upset that she can’t nurse and then be up for the day. It’s so hard to decide. But I guess it is just one night and if it goes rough, it goes rough.

  3. June 29, 2017 / 9:47 am

    I have left Bowen before for 3 nights and HATED it!!! Even now we just choose not to leave him because we have not um… preferred the way our parents handled him over night. I guess that’s the best way to say it..haha Obviously they have raised kids before. I guess maybe we are just overprotective still with him? Or it’s just that I feel like no one can take care of him like us. But I think ya’ll deserve one night alone 🙂 I am sure it would go just fine.

    • Risa
      July 13, 2017 / 2:43 pm

      I’m sure it will too. I’m sure it’s just my anxiety getting in the way, as per usual. 😉

  4. June 29, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    Do it! It will be great for you and your marriage to have a night off. If you miss her, there is always Facetime!

    • Risa
      July 13, 2017 / 2:43 pm

      I know. I’m pretty sure we’re going to end up trying it.

  5. Rebecca
    July 3, 2017 / 8:43 am

    A night away will be good for you and her!

    • Risa
      July 13, 2017 / 2:44 pm

      It will. It really will. And it’s good practice if we decide to leave her to go back to Texas for a transfer.

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