2018 Freelance Income Report: Q2

I realize this post may not be of interest to all of you, but maybe some of you are curious about freelancing and writing articles for money. After all, some of you are bloggers, and I’ve read you’re stuff—you’re good at it. So read on if you’re curious about what I’ve been up to with my writing and want to see what I’ve made from freelancing.

Photo by Lonely Planet on Unsplash

Q2 Income Report: Possibly written while watching The Princess Diaries on Netflix

I’ve made $8,700 freelance writing this year. Just writing that blows my mind thinking where I was December 2017. Considering Olivia is in daycare only two days a week, which after finding a fantastic home daycare, I’m paying half the cost I was planning on, so that was a big relief. I wasn’t initially going to write about my freelance business on here, but one, it’s a big part of my life, two, some of you have been asking me about my writing and I wanted to be transparent with it, to show you how realistic it can be working for yourself and being a mom. By no means could I support a family on it, but I’m proud of how much I’m growing in it.

Everything I’ve learned about freelance writing has been self-taught. I research (probably when I should be writing), I have taken some classes (this one by Chaunie Brusie, though not the same one I took but similar, I credit to preparing me for the business. (This isn’t an affiliate link, I just think she’s really, really awesome). So let’s look at both quarter 1 and quarter 2 income and article stats because I’m amazed at the difference:

Quarter 1 breakdown:

Monthly income goal: $1200

January: $500, pitches sent: 15, articles written: 4

February: $835, pitches sent: 20, articles written: 9

March: $1,635, pitches sent: 23, articles written: 14

Quarter 1 income total: $2,970

In quarter 2, I decided to up my goal again and aim for $2,000 a month.

Quarter 2 breakdown:

April: $2,235, pitches sent: 26, articles written: 16

May: $1,990, pitches sent: 26, articles written: 17

June: $1,570, pitches sent: 26, articles written: 15

Quarter 2 income total: $5, 795

Gross Income: $8,765

June was my easiest load because we had a lot going on, including my sister’s wedding and our trip to Iowa. I pitched and wrote articles for three new sites, including my first bigger name one, Tonic. That was probably my biggest win. I became a master at finding and interviewing expert sources for articles, including two experts who have appeared on TV. I got my first hate mail from an article I wrote. (I really should be posting testimonials because they can be highly entertaining). I site I now regularly write for sought me out and I had my first experience in negotiating pay—and I was able to get more money. I started socking away tax money, something I didn’t have to do before since I made so little and Chris and I file together. But I figure what I don’t have to pay out, can go into savings. I went out of my comfort zone several times and pitched some sites that were outside my comfort zone, and received some really nice rejections.

So what’s in store for Q3?

I’m still aiming for $2,000 a month, and hopefully, I can hit $6,000 for the quarter. I got comfortable pitching my same five publications, so I’m setting a goal to pitch at least one new site a month that I’ve never pitched before. I’m also pushing myself to pitch a big name publication just to get over the fear and doubt: New York Times, or Washington Post. Just do it, Risa. Rejections just mean you tried, right?

So there you have it. Watching Princess Diaries and continuing to be an inconsistent blogger. Please tell me you still love me.

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  1. July 11, 2018 / 8:34 am

    This is fantastic, good for you! I know that rejection isn’t fun, but it’s pretty rare to get an acceptance without running any risk of rejection, so I think you’re super wise to start putting yourself out there! Super wise, and super brave. Good luck!

    • Risa
      July 11, 2018 / 11:51 am

      My thoughts exactly! I can’t get approvals without putting myself out there for rejection. Thanks so much!

  2. July 11, 2018 / 2:12 pm

    Incredible work, well done!

    • Risa
      July 11, 2018 / 7:15 pm

      Thank you!

  3. Stephanie
    July 20, 2018 / 11:46 am

    I’d love to read what you’re writing! I really enjoyed when you were linking your articles here. Would you consider doing that again?

    • Risa
      July 23, 2018 / 12:14 pm

      Thank you!! Yes, I want to keep posting articles on here, especially when they’re relevant to this space.

  4. Anna
    August 10, 2018 / 10:59 am

    Thank you for sharing this and congratulations! I started working as a freelance translator almost a year ago after my son was born. Before that I’d turned down an academic job and quit academia and was highly criticized for that, but then I began adjuncting for fear of not making enough money with my translation business and now I find myself once again too busy with teaching and not doing enough of what I love (I also have less than part-time childcare). Reading your post I realize I wasn’t quite as organized as you! It’s a bit different to find jobs in translation esp as I translate mostly into italian, but I like how you set quarterly goals and kept track of everything. Good for you! I just showed your post to my husband and he was impressed 🙂 Thanks for the good inspiration I’ll try to learn from you!

    • Risa
      September 1, 2018 / 12:02 pm

      Aww thank you Anna! Best of luck to you!

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