A Look Back On The Last Decade

In 2010, Chris and I had been married for a year and a half—and trying for a baby just as long. We still had that enthusiastic view that enough sex would eventually lead to a pregnancy—so we weren’t all that worried. After all, it took my mom seven months to…

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Santa Breakfast and the Tree Lighting Ceremony

Olivia has been talking for weeks about meeting Santa. Every year Chris’s work throws a Santa breakfast and with the exception of last year because she was sick, we’ve taken her when she was a year and when she was two. So I guess in her tiny life only makes……

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Nurseries Are Closing in American Hospitals And Here’s Why That’s Bad

While Melanie Forstall knew she would be giving birth in a hospital without a nursery, she was in no way prepared for what that would mean. Her Baton Rouge-based hospital practiced rooming-in, where mother and baby would remain together the whole stay. It was better for the bonding experience, she…

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2019 Reader Survey + Giveaway!

I’ve been conducting reader surveys for the last three years, but I’m simplifying it this year. Mainly because I have a pretty good grasp on the demographics of who’s reading and what people overall like to read about. So this one will only have a few questions. The answers, as…

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2019 Freelance Income Report: Q3 & Q4

TLDR: I made about $3,483 this last half of the year, over $12,500 total, and was published in parents.com twice, which was a place on my bucket list.  I made a lofty goal at the end of last year to bring in $48,000. Everything was so up in the air…

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