Forgotten drafts: I like to smell Olivia

Last night I decided to look through my drafts folder and clean them up, but some of them are so weird or intriguing that I have to move forward with publishing them. Maybe I’ve hit on a new series on the blog? Forgotten Drafts Friday? Anyway. This draft has been…

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I really didn’t know much about hemangiomas until Emelia developed them, maybe on day three of her life. They were more common in preemies, peaked around 4-6 months, and were usually gone by age two. That was the extent of what was explained to me. Emelia had two of them,…

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#Microblog Mondays: The death of blogs

Blogging looks a lot different for me than it did back in 2013. I have small circle of blogs I still follow from the glory days. Those days where I was infertile, but I had an online community that existed in blog posts I’d follow. Daily, or at least weekly,…

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2019 reader survey results

Congrats to Beth! She won the Amazon gift card. If you took my survey, thank you so much! It will remain open if you still wanted to take it and give me some feedback/suggestions. I had 43 responses. There were a lot of great comments and suggestions from you. Many…

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Emelia at three months

Holy hell my baybee is getting YOUGE! (Well, she’s 13 pounds. That is YOUGE to me.) Emelia was in a spectacular mood for her three-month photos. She particularly loved her bow and by that I mean she kept trying to eat it. I LOVE MY BOW!!!!!!!! MY MOM IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!…

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