Olivia’s yearly questions at age 7

I realized I never did these questions for her when she was six. Oops. Well, here she is at five, and then her toddler questions at age three and age four. So without further ado!

Olivia's yearly questions at age 7

1. If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
Laughs “I would probably buy 155 toys!”

2. How long does it take to get to the beach?
Ponders “35 minutes.”

3. What does Mom always say to you?
“I love you.”

4. What does Dad always say to you?
“You’re the best kid.” (Good lord.)

5. What job would you like to do when you grow up?
“Karate teacher.”

6. Who is the strongest superhero?
“Um, Ghost Spider.” I give her a confused look. “It’s like Spider-Man, but it’s a girl spider.” she explains. Rock on, kid.

7. Where do babies come from?

8. At what age do you become a grownup?
“Eighteen!’ Very proud of herself.

9. What’s the worst rule Mommy has for you?
“Not breaking things and not smothering Emelia.” True, true.

10. What animal does Mom look like?
“Tiger because you’re always furious!” I don’t know how to take this.

11. What would you do if you couldn’t find your underwear?
:I would cut my pants into underwear shapes!”

12. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
“Shrimp fettuccine alfredo!” Right away. No surprise there. She loves my fettuccine alfredo.

13. How much does it cost to buy a house?

14. Who do you hang out with all the time?
“Probably Rowan.” (Her friend from school)

15. What song makes you want to sing?
“Bad Romance.” Laughs. It’s her song of the month.

16. What are you scared of?

17. What is your favorite game to play?
“Probably Lava Monsters. Because I’ve been playing that since I was at daycare at Miss Sarah’s and at preschool!” (I still to this day have no idea what Lava Monsters is.”

18. What is Santa Clause like?
“He’s really like, he’s mostly always happy.”

19. What do you think Santa will bring you for Christmas?
“Probably Harry Potter stuff.” She still won’t be more specific.

20. Where does Santa live?
“The North Pole.”

Olivia’s yearly questions at age 3
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 4
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 5

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