Olivia gets a real haircut this time

I gave us both haircuts back a few weeks ago when it was clear we were SIP for the long haul. It was right about that time where I’d declare myself official overdue for one and I was going to take Olivia with me to either get hers cut too or observe what happens and then do it next time.

Cutting her hair back then was hard. It was her very first haircut and it was by me—the bish that can’t cut hair. One time when I was about eight or so, I cut off my sister’s curls in our garage on a Saturday morning, and I haven’t taken scissors to hair since.

We had an appointment a week and a half ago at the salon to get both of us evened out a little. I knew mine was worse, and haven’t worn it down much. Olivia did so great, standing quietly next to me in her mask (which was unfortunately slightly too big for her) while I got mine trimmed (my hairdresser of 20 years snickering at my self-attempt at layers) and kept saying yes, she was excited for it to be her turn.

I was so proud of her. Her hair got a teeny bit shorter to get it evened out (sorry, kid) and it looks adorable.

Olivia gets a real haircut this time

Knowing my daughter in that she would NOT pose for an after photo, here she is with her dad and sister, and OMG HER HAIR IS SO CUTE I COULD DIIIIIEEEEE!

Olivia gets a real haircut this time

And now both of us look presentable again. Also, my little girl had her first “real” haircut and someone please hold me? I need to go write this down in the baby book.


  1. July 21, 2020 / 1:41 pm

    Awww she is so cute and sounds like she did great! I can imagine our first real haircut will be a big deal, too!

    • Risa
      July 22, 2020 / 4:59 pm


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