I’m slacking. I know I should blog more than I do. I don’t want to say it’s laziness per se, but that’s probably what it is.
One of these days, I will write a meaningful post. Everyone in the blogging world is posting these amazing, heartfelt posts that make me cry, and I’m over here like, “Let me tell you more about my vagina.” Awe-inspiring post coming soon. I promise.
I’m just so burned out with school. Thirty-five more days, but it seems like it’s much more. Take today. What should have been my day off, started out with an hour and a half commute to school in a blizzard, class all day, and now I am supposed to be working on my last paper tonight while Chris is in class. April 22nd needs to come NOW. Will I work on my paper tonight? I’m still debating.
In news about my fatness, I am down four pounds. I’m not quite comfortable prancing around in my lingerie or anything, but it’s a start. I have maintained and gained this past year, but never lost. So that’s quite an accomplishment for me. Chris and I went to the gym this weekend for the first time in forever three months. I ran the track for a half hour. Seriously, I don’t know why I am so lazy when it comes to going to the gym. Really, has anyone ever came home from the gym and said, “Well that was a complete waste of time!”?
We did get a chance to get our cattle dog out for a few walks this weekend. Seriously, this dog loves the snow. We have a big park a few blocks from our house with a quarter-mile walking path. There is rarely anyone out there, so we let Toby loose, and let him run, pee, snort, paw, and sniff in the snow to his heart’s content. Man, this dog loves snow.
“Let me intimidate you with my snow-face!”
Walking with my husband is my stress-reliever. We usually go on walks for an hour every night and it’s our time to reconnect with each other. We talk about our treatments, but we also talk about other things too. There may be a foot of snow on the ground, but it doesn’t stop us from planning out the details of our garden expansion, or the vegetables we will plant this spring.
These pictures weren’t actually taken this weekend. This was from another equally snowy walk from two weeks ago. But I thought the icicles hanging off his chin gave a good illustration into how bat-shit crazy this dog gets in the winter.
Gazing into the abyss? Or sees a bunny.
But I love him. So very much. He’s my fur-baby.
Sorry, this post is all over the place. Nothing much goes down in the 2WW.
Still remaining positive though.
Ha ha! I keep saying I am going to write a thought provoking post soon… I am working on it! Your pooch is so cute! Congrats on the the 4 pound loss!
Sweet fur babay! Hang in there with the 2WW!! I'm crossing all my parts for ya!
What a sweetie!! I've yet to meet a dog that doesn't enjoy snow on some level, but it always warms my heart to hear about the ones that thrive in it.
Ok, I'm going to beat on you a bit and point out that you've LOST 4 POUNDS WHIlLE ON CLOMID!!! That's huge!! Seriously, I gain weight while on fertility drugs, never the other way around. So, stop beating on yourself, cuz that's quite an accomplishment.
Fingers are still crossed for this cycle. Really hoping.
such a gorgeous dog!
Great job on the weight loss!!!
My dog loves snow too!! She eats it like "ZOMG, this is delicious" LOL
Congrats on the weight loss, that's great!!! I think it's just important to write what's on your mind no matter if it's funny or serious 🙂 Your dog is so precious!
Hooray for snow fur-babies! So cute!
This made me laugh: 'One of these days, I will write a meaningful post. Everyone in the blogging world is posting these amazing, heartfelt posts that make me cry, and I'm over here like, "Let me tell you more about my vagina."' That's so me. I keep thinking that I really need to write something moving and beautiful, but all of my posts seem to end up using the word "ass" way too many times. Sigh. Ah well. I gotta be me.
Well done on the exercise and weight loss! o/
Oh how cute. Congrats on the 4 lbs, and don't stop with the funny posts. Need some of them, too.
Okay, your posts might not make me cry, but you make me laugh every single time and that is just as good. If not better! You are definitely a funny gal. Great job on the exercise and weight loss even if it is only a little bit right now, that little bit does add up! Keep up the good work 🙂
Found your blog through a mutual friend of ours – prayers sent your way! I'm sick of this winter too and question why we live in this ridiculous state. My lab puppy loves prancing in the snow though and it is adorable. We make fun of him when he comes in the house with snow all over his snout…looks like a coke addict or something.
Dogs really are like medicine for our souls, aren't they? I don't know about cats…but dogs are great.
Congrats on the weight loss, lady. Also, your dog looks super lovable. He has similar bunny gazing eyes as one of mine.