October 2020 in review

October was a weird month. We had snow. Then it was above average and gorgeous. It was both Emelia’s and my birthday month, and both were celebrated, just in weird covid ways. But we’re healthy. We’re sane (for the most part). We’re surviving. The girls love spending every moment together.

October 2020 in review


I wrapped up my writing conference and just finished a community education Zoom class on memoir writing. I was the youngest in there by twenty years, but everyone was so sweet and it was nice to talk to other people who love to write. I’m doing pretty good mentally thanks to therapy, meds, acupuncture, and now a light box. I need all the help I can get going into winter.

October 2020 in review


This guy ran a marathon virtually. What does that mean? It means, instead of running with fellow marathoners to help motivate and push him, especially for his first one, he ran it alone. He was set to do it in 3:45, but hurt his knee around mile 21. He walked/limped the rest of the way, but damn it he did it. He finished. He wasn’t happy with his 4:30, but I was like, Bro, you ran a fucking marathon alone with an injured knee. That’s badass and also envious because that same day I slid gracefully down the stairs and hurt my own knee and so both of us were limping, but he’s way more badass than I am.

October 2020 in review


Thriving in preschool. I knew it was going to be a lot more academic as they have standards by the district for kindergarten readiness, and I don’t agree with most of it (Homegirl is doing things I learned in kindergarten, and even in first grade and she’s not even five.) but her school is amazing. Her teacher and director are amazing. She loves learning and is all about practicing writing her letters and numbers. She soaks up any information we give her (Lately we’ve been talking about dehydration in which she drinks a shit ton of water and then says proudly, “Now I’m not deeHYdrated!”).

October 2020 in review


Climbing stairs. Climbing everything really. She’s loving her Babies class at ECFE and I’m sad it’s over. Because of the pandemic, there were two classes she could have taken earlier, but she seemed to do just fine being around people. It was so good to have her two teachers again, the same ones Olivia had. Her sleep was pretty awful all month, but we seem to be getting a bit better again, only waking once to nurse.

October 2020 in review


  • I did a “snack chat” as part of my ASJA writing conference this year and it was so helpful, discussing using the five senses in writing memoir.
  • We pulled off a combined COVID birthday party for the girls, complete with a bounce house.
  • Olivia is thriving in her preschool three days a week. Her friend is in there with her and they have fun playing together.
  • We got to get out for lots of little mini adventures outside to enjoy the fall weather.
  • I turned 35.
  • We got our fall photos of our family and Emelia’s one-year pictures.
  • I finally got into the dentist after being on the massive waitlist due to the pandemic. Luckily, everything looked good.
  • We had a big snowfall in the middle of the month. Olivia and Chris built a snowman.
October 2020 in review
  • I got to meet a friend for some Mexican food and catching up.
  • Emelia got her fifth tooth.
  • We tried the Misfits Market subscription box and made some delicious roasted veggies. And we all tried rutabaga for the first time.
  • My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.
  • I had acupuncture and it was probably the best session I’ve had in terms of feeling really relaxed afterward.
  • I took this photo of Olivia during the first snowfall, with her tea, looking 27 instead of 4.
October 2020 in review


  • Mom, Dad, and my sister couldn’t make it to the girls’ birthday party because of a pending COVID test.
  • Our neighbor moved and Olivia was really attached to her. We’re going to miss them so much, but especially Olivia.
October 2020 in review


  • My last little baby turned one earlier in the month. I felt guilty that I didn’t have time or the bandwidth to truly reflect and appreciate it.
  • I deposited Olivia’s change from her piggy bank and she had $78 in there. I told her she can keep a third of it, a third will go into savings, and the other third we are going to donate. I’m thinking she can buy a toy for another child to donate.
  • I met with a second orthopedist for my knees and went over some more treatment options.
  • I’m so glad Olivia was able to wear her costume to school and have that normalcy of a Halloween party.
  • I’ve been working (slowly) on my memoir and it’s been bringing up a lot. I’ve been blogging about my infertility for years, but this is just stepping it up a notch and I’ve been feeling a lot of old feelings again.
  • The election. (At the time this is publishing, I feel a lot better, but oy, it was touch and go there for a bit.)
October 2020 in review

Read more monthly review posts here.

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