My vagina: the revolving door

Fact: 4 people in the last week have seen my vagina. Besides Chris of course.

Fact: I showed my vagina to two separate people in two separate rooms today. First, during my ultrasound and again for the OB doctor. And I get it, for these people it’s just another day, another cooch, but for real? I’m starting to get sick of showing off my very public vagina.

I remember back when this used to be like a once a year thing, and now it’s a few-times-a-month thing. Back then I didn’t even know what a transvaginal ultrasound was. How naive I was…

I was prepared for my external ultrasound. I drank my 28 oz of water until I thought I was going to hurl, and I came in with a nice rotund bladder. Chris couldn’t come to this appointment since it’s so far for him, so I tricked asked my friend Miranda if she could pwease come and hold my hand for this ultrasound because I don’t want to be alone.

The tech put the gel on my stomach and started looking around the screen with the wand before realizing I have a tilted uterus and she wouldn’t be able to continue.

“We’re going to have to do an internal exam instead. Do you mind?” she asked, apologetic.

I was ecstatic. “Hell no! Get in mah vagina already!” Cheers for apparent tilted uteruses. Uteri?

My vagina: the revolving door

Isn’t my baby the cutest thing? At 8w5d, the heartbeat is 178bpm (the ultrasound tech screamed, GIRL!) and baby is now 0.75 inches long, measuring a day behind still. In other words, totally badass.

She pointed out the limb buds (which I failed to really see) and we saw the head bobbing up and down. I think it’s definitely becoming more real. Also, the placenta is posterior so that means I should feel her earlier and be able to hear the heartbeat through the doppler earlier. Good news all around!

After that, I had my first OB visit. We went over my (long) med list and my (even longer) fertility history. My OB did tell me there was a small pocket of blood that he could see in the ultrasound and not to be worried if I have some bleeding. He didn’t seem worried about it, so I’m not either.

One of the things I was really concerned about was being taken off the Lovenox at twelve weeks. My RE didn’t seem too concerned about it when I talked to him Tuesday evening, but he did say that whatever my OB thought, he would support it. So I basically pleaded with my OB that I absolutely did not want to be taken off the Lovenox and pretty please can you keep me on it because I am a batshit crazy infertile with the miracle pregnancy and I don’t want to lose this baby!

Well, he agreed to continue me on it. The only thing now is having the insurance keep covering it. Let’s cross our fingers.

The last thing he did was a pelvic exam and if you think that’s sexy you’d be right.

I think overall it went ok. I am still in the care of my doctor in Houston until twelve weeks, so I will have three more ultrasounds at my satellite RE clinic and then will go back to my regular OB. I hope he didn’t think I was being crazy about the Lovenox. I find it’s best not to appear too crazy to the people who are looking at your vagina, you know? Which is kind of difficult, because I’m sure I appeared crazy to both my RE’s over the years and everyone seems to be getting a good look at my vagina these days.


  1. May 6, 2015 / 4:48 pm

    I told DH a few weeks ago that it's bizarre that way more people have seen my lady business since we got married than ever did before!

  2. May 6, 2015 / 4:52 pm

    First of all what a precious little baby you have there!! I'm thinking I'm in the girl category also 🙂 I hear ya on the public vag I won't know how to act when they do an ultrasound with my pants on!

  3. May 6, 2015 / 5:45 pm

    Adorable bay-bay!

  4. May 6, 2015 / 7:45 pm

    I've seen so much change with respect to MTHFR in the (OMG, I can't believe it's already) 10+ yrs I've been working in Ob/Gyn. When I started in 2004, we would put patients on Lovenox, then it went out of favour and some expert groups recommend against testing for it. In my most humble opinion, I think the success of this pregnancy is because of the higher quality embryos. this was the first transfer with blastocysts. My own RE told me I didn't meet criteria for recurrent implantation failure as one of my transfers was a Grade 2 blast, and I had only done single transfers. It's hard to explain why one transfer is successful after others have failed. In my case, I like to think it was because we changed my estrogen priming, especially since it was my idea. I did also take baby aspirin, not for anticoagulant effects, but to decrease pre-eclampsia risk as I'm also a chronic HTN and my other change was taking labetalol to improve my BP. I had to stop the aspirin when my previa was discovered, as the bleeding risk was perceived to outweigh benefits. These situations are so hard, as I didn't want to have another failed transfer and look back and say 'why didn't I do that?' But I also look at the other interventions I was considering (endo biopsy, prednisone) and know it worked without those

  5. May 6, 2015 / 9:21 pm

    GIRL! Is that just a guess because of her heartbeat? I'm going to have to agree she's a she! Raegan's was in the 180's at our 8 week appointment and I knew she was a girl from then on out 🙂

  6. May 7, 2015 / 8:23 am

    This post made me laugh, I love how you phrase things! Yay for baby!

  7. May 7, 2015 / 11:54 am

    I think during the 7 years of infertility treatments more doctors have been up in my business than my own spouse.

  8. May 7, 2015 / 3:32 pm

    It took me a long time to get used to NOT dropping my pants…. makes for an awkward dentist appt. LOL kidding of course!!! If you need Lovenox send me a message on FB, I have a lot leftover that will go to waste Id be happy to send you

  9. May 7, 2015 / 3:49 pm

    I love this post. Hilarious. And so very true. You know, everyone was screaming girls at me too, with the twins because their heart rates were constantly in the 170's through week 16. Yep…we know how that turned out! Ha!

  10. May 8, 2015 / 11:51 am

    A friend of mine introduced me to your blog and I finally caught up from the beginning, yesterday. What a journey…everything you say and do resonates with me even though it's not the same exact experiences, it's helping me deal with the issues we're having too…thanks for all the shares and laughter to make light of things 🙂 and of course, congratulations!!

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