Mother’s Day 2022

Mother’s Day this year was kind of a Mother’s Day weekend. Saturday, I took Olivia to swimming lessons and then we met my parents and sister at an outdoor craft fair. Olivia loves craft fairs and I had to tell her repeatedly not to touch the breakables or walk off with something to go show her auntie.

We each bought scrunchies from this booth where the mom told us that her daughter was the one that sewed all of them. She got a scrunchie with a zipper that you could store things in.

Then we went to my sister’s house that evening (Chris ended up staying home with Emelia since she developed a fever in the afternoon when I was putting her down for a nap). My brother-in-law made ribs and burgers and it was nice enough to sit outside. We got a Mother’s Day picture with my mom but since Emelia wasn’t there, I didn’t get a picture with my daughters.

I told Chris and Olivia several times that evening that for Mother’s Day, I wanted to sleep in, so don’t wake me up early.

She ended up coming into my room at 8:20 saying Dad sent her in and did I want doughnuts and coffee? (He must have decided that was long enough to sleep in even if I didn’t agree)

I had actually bought these delicious lemon-glazed doughnuts the day before and they were so good! Olivia, as is now tradition, had breakfast in bed with me. Though she ditched me as soon as she was done to go watch cartoons downstairs.

We saw this very strange bird outside the bathroom window. I had never seen anything like it. A reverse Google search told me this was a Sora.

Chris’s gift to me this year is my breast milk jewelry, but it’s something I need to still order. But the girls both made me gifts from school. Olivia did a little canvas painting wrapped in this pretty paper. My mom was right, the best Mother’s Day gifts are the ones that are homemade.

Baby Emelia gave me this little plant with her handprints and Friday when Chris had picked up Olivia from school, they both brought me home these flowers.

It was humid, dreary, and rainy out, so we didn’t get an official Mother’s Day photo, but I did get a few right before bed.

And look! My Niffler Build-a-Bear I bought myself for Mother’s Day came. (Olivia wanted a photo of her with her pink hair clip)

Two years ago, I cried on Mother’s Day. Last year was the first one I didn’t. Maybe this year I was feeling…a little indifferent? Plus it was shitty weather, the baby had a fever, and we just basically sat inside watching TV and Chris took a 3 hour run.

I did choose to make shrimp fettuccine alfredo which is Olivia’s favorite meal on the planet with Caesar salad and garlic bread and that was delicious. I texted a friend who is struggling with infertility and said I was thinking about her on the shittiest of holidays. I was lying in bed when I sent it and got this overwhelming feeling of grief, pain, sadness, panic, whatever it was, I can’t really explain it. And then it was gone and I went downstairs to crochet and watch TV with Chris after the babies were put to bed.










1 Comment

  1. May 12, 2022 / 5:10 am

    8:20 lie-in, love the way people interpret it differently! I would definitely have been thinking it would last a little longer. Big hugs for all the joys and sorrows this complicated day brings.

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