Mother’s Day 2021

I had to read over my post from last Mother’s Day—the one we spent in quarantine. I actually was on top of it this year in letting Olivia do breakfast in bed with me on actual Mother’s Day.

“Don’t get up, Mom!” She and Chris made orange rolls and scrambled eggs with strawberries. Olivia carried in the tray in herself, along with my coffee and she settled herself down to eat next to me (her favorite part). Emelia was happy to be there, but won’t participate until next year, lawd help us.

We had a low-key day. We spend almost all of it outside. Chris did yard work, I helped powerwash the driveway, and the kids played. Emelia brought me my first bouquet.

We decided to get a fire going (also to try to burn up our never-ending supply of twigs and branches) and made hotdogs on sticks over the fire. Olivia gave it two thumbs up.

Mother's Day 2021
Mother's Day 2021

We roasted marshmallows for smores, and after the kids were in bed, Chris and I ordered dinner from a restaurant. My Mother’s Day gift from him is coming soon. I’ll update this post with it when I get it.

Oh, and Olivia had made me a necklace while she was still in preschool.

Mother's Day 2021

This was the first Mother’s Day I didn’t cry. Not that didn’t want to. The antidepressant I’m on seems to have sort of blocked me from crying about anything which is strange, because I’m a very emotional person. But overall, it was a good day spent with my favorite babies.









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