2016 may have sucked in many ways including celebrity deaths and the American people electing a person who has no business being president. But personally, this has been my favorite year. The best year of all the years, as that particular person would say. Olivia has made me laugh more, sleep less and generally have a better outlook on life.
I started two new freelancing jobs and created a rebranded website, saying goodbye to “Who Shot Down My Stork?” after four years.
You would think Chris and I would have had a much more interesting New Year’s than what actually happened, but alas, I am lazy and lounging on the couch seemed much more preferable to actually going out and socializing.
We did get to attend a first birthday party for her tiny little boyfriend and sidekick that morning, though. Olivia loves a good party.
Does this dress make my cheeks look big?
We had a brunch, and so there were plenty of berries to eat, her food of choice.
Fortunately, she was able to get a few minutes alone with her friend during his party craziness.
That night, after our traditional NYE dinner of Papa John’s pizza, we played with her Christmas toys. Being that they have been sitting downstairs this whole time, they were brand new to her again.
I didn’t even take any decent pictures with my camera this year, just the grainy ones from my phone which I’m still going to post because Dem Cheeks.
Mama, can I please go play now?
After I exhausted her with selfies and she went to bed, Chris and I sat on the couch, eating cream cheese salsa dip and lime chips, took turns working on the website, and watching Sherlock. We didn’t even drink any champagne (due to sickness, not because we’re a bunch of teetotalers. That would be crazy talk). I wasn’t even sure I wanted to stay up until midnight to see the ball drop because I was so tired. But I did and Olivia so graciously decided to wake me up at 2 a.m. and again at 4 and by the time I woke up yesterday I was dragging. But since she’s pretty much the greatest thing to ever have happen to me, I forgave her. As long as she slept the following night.
17 year old self would be SO embarrassed at 31 year old self.
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Happy 2017! We found ourselves in bed by 9:30 pm. I’m learning to enjoy embarrassing 17 yr old Cristy.
Ha ha!!!! I love it.
Happy new year to you! Embarrassing, Emschmarrassing. The glories of being older is not caring as much about the static out there… Olivia is just gorgeous, love Dem Cheeks! And congrats on the new website and having things to celebrate in 2016. May 2017 be even better!
Thank you Jess! To be fair, I’ve been lazy on New Years for QUITE some time. And yes, thank you about the website! It was a TON of work. Cheers to 2017!
Happy 2017!! After looking through your new site more I am really loving it!! That photo of ya’ll is just precious!! (on the about me page) And of course all of these photos too. Must have been a baby revenge night or something on New Years Eve. I had no plans of staying up until midnight however Bowen was up from 10:40 til 12:40! He has slept great ever since though so thank goodness!
Ugh, it totally must have been baby revenge night. I’m glad he’s sleeping better. Olivia… not so much. Happy New Year!
Congratulations on the new space! She is so cute.
Thank you Mel!
My little guy fell asleep around 10:30 on New Years. I had also nodded off for a few minutes but woke up when he started crying because he wasn’t in his bed. He woke up again around 1 am, which my oldest joked, was to see New Orleans ring in the New Year (because we still had Ryan Seacrest on). He’s 2 2/1 and still doesn’t sleep through the night. I’m starting to get less forgiving about it…. 😉
Ha ha! Yikes. You know, I have a feeling Olivia will be like this too.
Her party dress is so precious. And she is just a gem. Haha at least you stayed up until midnight…I didn’t make it past 10!!
Isn’t it adorable? My mom got it at a craft fair. And trust me, I should have gone to bed at ten. 😉
Sorry I didn’t read a word you wrote, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of Olivia… (just kidding of course)… forget the high priced cameras… you can’t take a bad picture with that face!
Ha ha!
Sounds fantastic! And, yeah, those cheeks!!
Sounds fantastic! And, yeah, those cheeks!!
Yeah.. they’re pretty outrageous.
Joining the chorus of, “love those cheeks!”
I ended up falling asleep on the couch somewhere around 10pm, and was woken up just before midnight by hubby and the kids (16, 19, and 21) laughing at how solid I was out. Well, I showed them – I stayed awake until 12:05am before stumbling off to bed! 😀
Ha ha! That’s hilarious! 12:05 was pretty much when I was out too. Oy.
Her little jean dress is so cute! To go along with dem cheeks of course. I didn’t stay up until midnight. We did spend the day sledding though, so maybe I have an excuse other than just being old???? haha
Sledding is always a good excuse 😉