Making our Baby is a Marathon, Not a Race

This article originally appeared on on January 14, 2014. Read the original article here.

Making our Baby is a Marathon, Not a Race

Back in December, I was out Christmas shopping in the outdoor shopping center by my house. It has a lot of great stores, but to get to any of them, you have to take these roads within the mall that have these sharp twists and turns. I was trying to get to a home furniture store. I could see it. It was right there, in the distance. I slowed down to take a hairpin right, and suddenly found myself driving away from the store. Shoot! I took the next left and pointed my car back in the direction of the store, visible again. It was right there! But the road twisted around again and it took me another five minutes to finally, finally navigate the tangled mess of roadway and arrive at my destination.

It’s been a similar experience in the last year, as my husband and I have hit numerous walls in our journey to have a baby. Ah, see that perfect, squishy baby up ahead? Well, you have to make a sharp left, hit the four-way stop, curve right, hit the two-way stop, sharp turn left, make the circle, sharp turn left … aaaand, you missed the entrance into the parking lot. Turn around.

It seemed like every time we got ahead of the game, something would happen. Insurance would decide they weren’t going to pay for that IVF. Only one egg was mature enough to fertilize out of the eight eggs retrieved. Dangerously high blood pressure from a fertility medication led to a canceled cycle. Yes, even the first set of donor eggs from a young healthy woman wasn’t good enough to produce viable embryos and get me pregnant.

Last year, I was angry. My body was failing and failing to get pregnant. When we came to the conclusion that this may be an issue of egg quality, I had to grieve the loss of my own eggs. But we at least had some sort of reason now for infertility. When I lost the last two embryos, the image of that perfectly squishy baby up ahead was again lost from view as we skidded down a road traveling in the opposite direction.

So when I found out my lab work was indeed showing a genetic mutation that could possibly be the cause of some of these fertility issues, I couldn’t believe it. A real, fixable diagnosis. A guarantee? No. But a good start.

Two weeks ago, we again gathered on the phone—my husband, our doctor and myself—and hashed out a plan for the coming cycle. He explained to us that a MTHFR mutation hasn’t been studied enough to know how it affects fertility. It’s still a new thing and it might be a cause of pregnancy loss because it makes certain people more prone to blood clots, but researchers aren’t even sure why. However, fertility doctors have found that using a combination of baby aspirin and folic acid can work for people who have this mutation.

I explained to him that we needed to be as aggressive as possible with this next cycle, because we don’t have the finances for more cycles after this. We’ve exhausted our savings. I then asked him what his thoughts were on letting me do Lovenox injections as well with this cycle and he said he was completely on board with it and was hoping we would be too. Lovenox is a blood thinner that is injected into the abdomen. It hurts like hell and can leave some impressive bruises, but I know how many women have had success with it. In fact, they swear it was what kept their babies alive in-utero, after previous miscarriages.

In addition to the folic acid, aspirin, and Lovenox this time around, we are also picking from the top donors—the donors who have had the most successful pregnancies with their eggs. No more messing around. I picked my last donor because she looked the most like me, with the least amount of health issues. This time, we’re going for Molly McFertile. You got ten women pregnant? I want you to get me pregnant too.

No more messing around. This is it. We have a game plan. We know what we want. Like any hero says at the climax of a bad action movie: It’s time to finish this.


  1. January 19, 2015 / 10:35 am

    Some peoples insurance doesn't cover Lovenox and it is expensive. I have about a two month supply that is going to expire if not used. It is yours if interested.

  2. January 19, 2015 / 1:22 pm

    I think these are all good decisions… oren donor, lovenox, the whole thing. Sounds like an excellent plan, and I'm a big fan of the "kitchen sink" model and not the "we're just not there" yet crap. If it MIGHT help and it won't hurt, full steam ahead. Hoping for some good news for you soon!

  3. January 19, 2015 / 2:26 pm

    Lots ahead and a lot to prepare for. Your RE is right about us not knowing anything about MTHFR (the research done on this is so flawed and hasn't been repeated, so it's basically a crap shoot as to what is happening). Damn shame too because I believe the problem is much more widespread than we understand.

    Anyway, let us know what you need going forward. You're doing all the right things and asking all the right questions. Fingers are crossed lady.

  4. January 20, 2015 / 10:16 am

    Sounds like a good plan. I'm hoping that this is the answer for you!

  5. January 21, 2015 / 8:44 am

    Love this! So excited for you – and hoping this cycle is the one that sticks!!

  6. January 22, 2015 / 7:38 am

    Sending you lots of engery this time around! 🙂

  7. January 22, 2015 / 9:49 pm

    Crossing fingers and toes for this cycle. It sounds like a good plan.

  8. February 1, 2015 / 8:17 pm

    Sounds like a great plan. I'm a big fan of trying everything in a cycle you possibly can. Hope these are the things that finally bring you success.

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