Make It Count (IUI #2)

IUI #2 today!

The official sperm count was 40 million.  Not bad considering there was baby-dancing the previous two days.

So totally not cool with this.  Also, my boobs look huge in that scrub top.

Crossing my fingers last time didn’t work.  Maybe praying for baby dust will!

So totally not cool with this.  Also, my boobs look huge in that scrub top.

Chris can barely contain his excitement.

We got busted red-handed by the nurse, who was doing the procedure, walking into the room.  She asked what I was giggling about and I told her I was taking pictures for my blog.

“Ah,” she said, “You’re not planning on taking any more are you?”

I know she was kidding, but seriously, I talk about my lady business, not take pictures of it.  That would be going way too far.  Besides, Chris is a terrible photographer.

She said that some couples want to video tape the procedure for their video blogs.  I’m not sure why, because it really just appears like your mill-of-the-run Pap.  Google it, if you want to see what happens.  I’ll wait.

You watched it didn’t you?  Ok back to me.

Anyway, the nurse ended up having trouble passing the catheter through my cervix because my bladder was empty.  I was even thinking about that last night, that it might help to have a more full bladder, but of course I peed when I got there.  I have fears of peeing on the table when they put the speculum in, because it pushes on my bladder.  I can never win.

Chris had to end up pushing down on my abdomen to help the nurse get the catheter through.   I suddenly remembered calling him an “ass” a few days ago and telling him he can’t do anything right.  Ow.

Ow. Ow. Ow.  It felt like the nurse was taking a little needle and stabbing me in the lady parts over. and over. and over.

So totally not cool with this.  Also, my boobs look huge in that scrub top.

So totally not cool with this.  Also, my boobs look huge in that scrub top.

My manager let me have the rest of the day off.  I am now laying down, catching up on Grey’s Anatomy and trying to create life inside me.  Baby tribal dancing tonight at 7:00.  Bring tikis.  And Oreos.  Man, I’m craving Oreos.  I hope this one IUI is enough. Afterward, I felt stuff leaking out when she pulled the speculum out.  I asked the nurse if any of the “sample,” or as I like to call it, The Syringeful of Chris’ Love, would leak out.  “Nope, ” she said, and then explained something about some fluid in the syringe, and it being there for the purpose of???? I don’t remember.  It’s amazing how distracted you can get lying on a table, with your pants off,  trying not to sneeze.


  1. February 15, 2013 / 2:47 pm

    Both of you are absolutely adorable! I hope that it only takes this one iui for you too. Crossing my fingers for you AND saying a prayer 🙂

    I did pee in the table after my last embryo transfer. It was rather embarrassing and something I totally couldn't help!

  2. February 15, 2013 / 3:39 pm

    Trying not to sneeze classic. I feel so!! Mine really hurt major cramping. This will work!!! We are getting our babies!

  3. February 15, 2013 / 3:47 pm

    You are so adorable, and you make me smile so much! I want this SO BADLY for you! Fingers and toes all crossed!

  4. February 15, 2013 / 3:52 pm

    Um.. I would have to say yes? The nurse told me it was 40 million. That's a good question. I would have to go with yes, but it's something I should ask about.

  5. February 15, 2013 / 3:53 pm

    I remember reading about that. Made me laugh, but also wonder if I will someday do the exact same thing… 🙂

  6. February 15, 2013 / 3:54 pm

    🙂 Thanks my dear. I need everyone to cross as many things as they can.

  7. February 15, 2013 / 4:06 pm

    Awww Risa! <3 <3 <3 I am hoping and praying that this works for you!! I am also willing to do the Baby Tribal Dancing you think you could get that on video and post so I can join in? :)))
    Fingers crossed!
    Sending you much Love.

  8. February 15, 2013 / 4:08 pm

    Thanks Lisa. 🙂 I will definitely get on that dancing video 🙂

  9. February 15, 2013 / 4:52 pm

    Sending you lots of baby dust! My last IUI was quite painful too, but it seems well worth a little pain. Love that you photograph and document it all and that your hubby is right there with you. Fingers crossed!

  10. February 15, 2013 / 5:30 pm

    You're so cute! I can totally see The Artsy Engineer and I doing this and then giggling like schoolchildren who get caught kissing behind the bleachers (that's where everyone did their kissing when I was in 7th grade). I will cross everything for you, too. I'm a bit of a human pretzel and can get my legs crossed twice, so maybe I should throw that into the mix? 🙂

  11. February 15, 2013 / 6:30 pm

    You are too cute! good luck!

  12. February 15, 2013 / 9:02 pm

    Risa. You crack me up!I hope this one is the ONE! I am sending good baby vibes your way!

  13. February 15, 2013 / 10:08 pm

    After my second IUI, I burst into tears, and then I felt AWFUL about shaking my abdomen from the tears, and then I had to blow my nose…. ughhh! Kudos to you for holding that sneeze in!

    Good luck! Hoping for really good news 14 days from now!

  14. February 16, 2013 / 11:00 am

    I hope this works for you guys! And, I love how your posts always make me laugh. So thank you, because I needed that today. 🙂

  15. February 16, 2013 / 11:25 am

    You're so funny. Love it. And by the way, you look so cute!

  16. February 16, 2013 / 1:40 pm

    Awesome pictures -so brave to bring the camera in the room! 40 million is so impressive! I don't think my guy could get that much post wash if he banked for a month!

  17. February 18, 2013 / 9:45 pm

    Agreed! ur too cute. I love reading your blogs!

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