July 2020 in review

It’s weird it’s already the end of July, but summer historically goes by way too fast for us. Thankfully, we have our pool since most of the splash pads and pools are either closed or very limited in capacity. We’ve had some pretty hot humid days this month, so I’m glad we have a place to cool down.

July 2020 in review


I hurt my low back at the beginning of the month (I might have done it while trying on a romper that was too small for me #dreambig) and it was awful. I had to walk around like an old man and that in turn made my knees hurt and my upper back become tight and painful. Fun times. Luckily, I had a massage, my first in years, and that helped tremendously. I’ve also been getting ready for the fall kids’ consignment sale in a week. Hopefully there will be a good turnout so I can make some money off these baby clothes and toys.

July 2020 in review


Trying to get out for more runs. He injured his Achilles a few weeks ago, which doesn’t bode well for his plan on the virtual Twin Cities marathon in October. His job has still been pretty crazy, but he’s planning on taking some time off in August. He’s started management training, which has enough work to be a college course.

July 2020 in review


Back at daycare and is loving it. Her overall attitude and behavior have improved so much since she’s now able to be around other kids. We haven’t received official word at what’s happening with preschool this fall. She loves swimming and Legos and listening to JoJo Siwa and Hamilton in her room with the door closed like a teenager.

July 2020 in review


Emelia is making huge strides in her physical development. She’s so close to crawling and getting into a sitting position on her own. We have to really watch her now because she’s all over the place and loves to make mad dashes for cords and lamps. She’s doing great with baby-led weaning but has some trouble with certain foods such as tomatoes and ground hamburger.

July 2020 in review


  • We had my family over, minus my younger sister, her husband, and her two kids, for a 4th of July celebration. Complete with my homemade french onion dip.
  • Olivia is getting so comfortable in the water and dunking her head under. We’re still planning on trying out some swim lessons.
  • I took Olivia out to Target for her first store experience since the middle of March and she wore her mask like a champ.
  • I got my new maxi dress altered and I’m so excited to wear it!
  • Olivia and I both got real haircuts.
  • Chris and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary with lunch out of the house for the first time in five months.
  • Olivia and Emelia are starting to sort of play with each other. Kind of. At least when we bought out the Duplos, Olivia built towers and Emelia sampled all the bricks.
July 2020 in review


  • Emelia is not a fan of spice which is unfortunate. When we did baby-led weaning with Olivia, she ate what we ate, and we never adjusted spices for her and she did perfectly fine. But Emelia gets a sad face and fusses and cries when she’s eating taco meat.
  • I’ve been struggling with being on social media and started unfriending and unfollowing people that I can just can’t with anymore. I still am in shock at how divided people can be over wearing a piece of cloth over their faces. I never saw health and politics as something that are one and the same, but that’s exactly what’s happening right now. The people I cut out and the ones that are truly toxic and hateful and I’m not wasting any more time on them.
  • Emelia has been a bit fussier lately, probably from all the developing she’s doing, and I saw a tooth poking out on her bottom gum, but I swear it receded.
July 2020 in review


  • Olivia going back to daycare has been wonderful for us both. I’m just hoping things can stay like this for a while.
  • I “graduated” from PT for my knees. Here’s hoping things continue to improve and I can make time to keep doing the exercises.
  • However, I feel like I keep having setbacks and now I’m wondering if this is early-onset arthritis, which is apparently on both sides of my family. I have two more weeks to see if things really are getting better, or if I need to go back to my doctor for imaging to see is something else is going on.
  • The school situation this fall. I WANT Olivia to go back to preschool. She thrives there. I don’t want to do distance learning. But I know she’s safest at home. I have no idea what to do and what I want.
  • I’ve been limiting my social media for my mental health. My Facebook page went to the wayside and I don’t know if I’m just taking a hiatus or if I want to just be done and blog here. Social media helps people see I have new posts, but with the algorithms always changing, I don’t know if I want to invest the energy into that battle.
July 2020 in review

Read more monthly review posts here.


  1. July 31, 2020 / 7:45 am

    Ditch Facebook and stay here : ) I stepped out of the Facebook party years ago and never regretted it.

    Your daughters are growing and changing so much every month. Even though times are tough, it looks like you are making some wonderful memories.

    P.S. I still have pool envy…!

    • Risa
      August 7, 2020 / 8:44 pm

      I haven’t posted on my Facebook writer page in quite some time now. There’s a part of me that feels guilty, but… it’s so freeing at the same time.

  2. rose
    July 31, 2020 / 10:48 pm

    Agree with Jen, ditch Fb. stay here. People who know you even only online will find your articles/postings. Your daughters are great.
    The NYTimes has some informative maps where you can see your county and the impact there, also one that shows probability of the virus in different sizes of school settings.
    But the reality is clear that children DO get it, it Can be serious, children Do share it, no one really knows what the longer term implications of an infection might be, or the probability of such impact if the case is mild. You will make your most informed decision and will be staying informed as time goes on. I am glad I am not facing those questions due to being ancient. I do not know what my decision would be EXCEPT clearly where I am right now schools will only be on-line because here the numbers are clear and it would clearly not be safe. Might you ‘bubble’ with one other family with a child O’s age? That does help.

  3. rose
    August 8, 2020 / 10:06 pm

    Once again, as things outside my control began to overwhelm, I turn to you and your posts and see your children and read about reality focused living in the immediacy…… and it helps.
    Your ripples spread in ways you cannot know and you are important. Never forget that. Thank you.

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