I have a first grader

Which is just so wild for me to think about. She’s ready though. She’s very excited to be a first grader.

I have a first grader

Olivia is actually now in a classroom with first, second, and third graders, so she’s the youngest now, instead of being one of the oldest in Children’s House. She also has an earlier start time, at 7:30, so getting out the door in the mornings is going to be fun.

I have a first grader

She said when she grows up she wants to be a henna artist which is a nod to my friend who gave her a henna tattoo at a food truck festival a few weeks ago.

Emelia will still be going to the toddler classroom but will be transitioning to Children’s House a few days after her birthday. She actually just officially started potty training a few days ago in anticipation of that move (she pretty much had to be fully potty-trained by then, so we’ve been under some pressure).

I have a first grader

The first day of school was a success and after dinner, we went out for ice cream to celebrate.

I have a first grader

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