I am FREAKING OUT! Also, we’re in Texas!

We made it to Houston. Again! There has been so much happening that I have been sitting in bed in front of the computer for the past twenty minutes trying to organize it all into some sort of cohesive ball of thought process that more people than just me can understand. I wouldn’t say there has been anything majorly bad that’s happened, but if you have gone through an IVF cycle, you can appreciate the fact that anything that goes against the normal flow is cause for ZOMG FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!

I am FREAKING OUT! Also, we're in Texas!

There was Adventures in Elusive Fertility Medications that was so spectacularly confusing that I can’t even write about it here without giving myself a headache. Bottom line: Next time, just pick one pharmacy to get all of the medications from.

There was last Friday’s first monitoring appointment where I  finally called the clinic in Texas at 4:15 pm because I was worried they didn’t get the faxed results from my local clinic that morning and didn’t want to go the weekend. Well, I was told to add another estrogen patch, and oh, by the way, we need this particular lab ASAP that we forgot to send to your clinic and you have two days to get it. Not to mention, oh actually your next ultrasound here in Texas is Thursday, not Friday like we said, and your husband actually comes in Friday, not Thursday.


This led to more than one phone call to my satellite coordinator in Minnesota where eventually I found out the lab could be added on to my Tuesday blood work. Still, nothing like a little scrambling two days before you leave the state. Not to mention this was also during the Adventures in Elusive Fertility Medications and the combination of the two was making me FREAK OUT!

Then there has been concerns with my estrogen levels over the past week. So you would think that with how much I cry, I would have enough estrogen flowing through me to not think twice about it, right? Right? Right?


In past IVF cycles, using my own eggs, I never found out until all was said and done and we were moving on that I have always had borderline low estrogen throughout cycles. I was told estrogen and uterine lining kind of go hand in hand. In other words, a thin uterine lining usually means lower estrogen levels.

So March 13th, my lining was 8.4 mm and estrogen was 249. The doctor had me add an extra patch to my stomach.

March 17th, the lining was 9.1 mm and estrogen ended up being 195. They want to see a lining of at least 7mm, so my lining was great, but my estrogen level dropped. So in addition to the added patch, the nurse told me to continue my Estrace pills three times a day under my tongue, but add a fourth pill vaginally at night. They wanted to see estrogen levels at least 200, so I was now in danger of shedding my lining early, aka get my period, effectively canceling the entire cycle, so naturally, I found myself once again FREAKING THE FUCK OUT! But not to fear, Infertile, let’s just take those Estrace tablets that you have been putting under your tongue and just start shoving a couple of those bad boys up your vagina and hope that helps!

So now I am sufficiently Estrogenized and have the sore boobs to prove it. But estrogen shoved into every orifice of my body for the last few days seemed to help because the ultrasound yesterday in Texas showed my lining at 9.4 and an estrogen level of over 200.

You guys, I was terrified that the levels wouldn’t rise. I was terrified that the cycle would be canceled. Ugh. It just can’t ever be easy. But at least today I am breathing easier because everything is back on track and now I can go back to FREAKING OUT about the impending egg thaw and FREAKING OUT about the fertilization that will happen today. We should hopefully get a call tomorrow telling us how many of the eggs fertilized.


  1. March 20, 2015 / 10:18 am

    I am on pins and needles!

  2. March 20, 2015 / 10:24 am

    I have faith that this will work out for you!!! If you don't mind me asking, which Dr are you seeing there? That parts of the study we did at the Houston office we saw Dr. Witz and I really liked him. Normally though we see Dr. Skorupski.

  3. March 20, 2015 / 10:41 am

    Ahhh! That sounds SUPER STRESSFUL! I'm sorry Risa! I know when I was in Florida in desperate need of a medication for the following day, there was a winter storm in the northeast and the pharmacy said it was unlikely to mail until they "dug out of the snow?" I kid you not. I lost it, right there on the phone with this dude. Bless his heart. Traveling plus IVF is hard, but any extra bump is just awful!

    Praying for you, these soon to be embryos, and the rest of this cycle! Hang in there Risa! Sending big big hugs!

  4. March 20, 2015 / 10:56 am

    We see Dr Griffith, who is amazing! We stayed near the Piney Point office so that's where I did my US.

  5. March 20, 2015 / 10:57 am

    Oh no way! Ugh that's so stressful!

  6. March 20, 2015 / 10:57 am

    Oh no way! Ugh that's so stressful!

  7. March 20, 2015 / 10:57 am

    We see Dr Griffith, who is amazing! We stayed near the Piney Point office so that's where I did my US.

  8. March 20, 2015 / 11:06 am

    ZOMG is right!!! You're doing awesome Risa! And I've got to believe that all this craziness is a sign of good things to come. Thinking of you and keeping everything crossed!

  9. March 20, 2015 / 12:51 pm

    I don't think I have ever met him but I'm glad he is amazing! Yeah I had to go there a bunch during our IVF study because it had to be done out of that office and everyone was always very nice and friendly. I can't wait to hear how it goes!!

  10. March 20, 2015 / 1:37 pm

    Ugh! Everything that can go wrong seems to go wrong when your'e stressed doesn't it?! Glad your lining and estrogen are looking good! Fingers crossed!

    The Mrs. & Co.

  11. March 21, 2015 / 11:12 am

    I hope everything goes well! I'm praying for your miracle baby!!! 🙂

  12. March 22, 2015 / 6:20 pm

    Sooooo glad your estrogen rose to over 200!! Woohoo! Praying for a great egg-thaw report!

  13. March 24, 2015 / 12:02 pm

    Fingers crossed for you!

    That whole ordeal with the medications and then the lining sounds so frustrating. Here's hoping for a less stressful time for the rest of the cycle.

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