Holy Mother, is it menopause?! No, it’s just a side effect of Clomid.

I’ve been having hot flashes on and off since last night.  I can be sitting here typing away, and suddenly want to rip off my clothes and go running outside headfirst into the snow.  (I’m kidding, I would never do that.)

(I’m lying. I might.)

Holy Mother, is it menopause?! No, it's just a side effect of Clomid.

I’m cycling between fucking headaches and fucking hot flashes.

Oh and did I mention I have not had caffeine for six days now?  This coming from someone who lives for her morning coffee.  It’s probably why my intestinal track is on strike.

Last night Chris gave me a teeny glass of wine because he was having some.  I took a few sips and then felt too guilty to drink anymore.  You all should be proud.  Big moment for me.  I have never turned down a glass of wine.

That is all.  I’m going to go crawl into my refrigerator now.


  1. December 23, 2012 / 9:58 pm

    Good for you for skipping the caffeine! Sugar is my thing. I struggled to limit my intake during treatments. I'm thinking we might not have had to do so many cycles if I would have done better with my diet. There's always next time…

  2. December 26, 2012 / 10:19 am

    Well sugar, yeah sugar is an entirely different thing. I know diet can play a huge part, but.. it's hard.

  3. Anonymous
    December 28, 2012 / 8:51 am

    I can sit here and read this and totally hear you in my head. Your funny and cute and at the same time soooo real! I am glad you are sharing this journey and doing a blog. I just found it, so I was a little shocked to hear of your struggle…..but you make me want to stand up and applaud you because you are who you are, and YOU are pretty AWESOME!

    Cheering you on every moment of the way, Your old (literally now!) Daycare provider and friend, Lisa. 🙂

  4. December 28, 2012 / 9:22 pm

    Thanks Lisa!

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