Halloween 2021

We had a busy Halloween season.

The apple orchard

We made it to the apple orchard. We missed it last year, and Olivia went with my parents and sister the year before, the day Emelia was born. So it was Emelia’s first time there, and it was good to be back, even if they had shut down the tractor rides due to staffing issues.

It was a gorgeous day for it. Olivia did well on the way there with her motion sickness meds and ended up having a blast.

We got to walk through the pumpkin patch.

Usually, we all eat a treat there, but again, due to staffing issues, they weren’t serving food. Which was OK. We made do in this world we’re living in now.

The girls had so much fun with their cousins and Olivia kept asking if she could eat an apple off the tree. (No, the answer was no).

Pumpkin carving

Last Halloween we didn’t carve pumpkins, so we needed to make up for that this year.

Emelia was NOT too sure about the pumpkin guts and smiled politely, but no thank you, she didn’t want to touch them.

Olivia convinced Chris to carve out Hornet, her favorite character from the game Hollow Night. Then she got to draw on her own face for Chris to carve.

Halloween 2021

We made cinnamon-sugar pumpkin seeds, which tasted amazing.

Trunk or Treats

Both Emelia’s daycare and Olivia’s school put on trunk or treats the same evening and it was so much fun going to both. Olivia was a ninja and Emelia was Gecko from PJ Masks. (Definitely not a fan of the mask though!)

Olivia had fun sorting out her candy from that night.

Halloween 2021

The next day, we went to another Halloween festival in a nearby city where they had a scavenger hunt and the kids got to play and climb in all the big trucks. Once Emelia warmed up the idea, she had as much fun as Olivia was having.

They got to take home a grab bag of treats and play some games. Emelia whooped Olivia’s butt in the toss-a-ball-in-a-cup game.

Halloween trick or treating

Olivia actually had two costumes this year, her ninja, and Ahsoka from Star Wars. Chris even got her two light sabers for it. Do you think I have ANY photos of her in that costume? Nope. But I swear she looked adorable in it.

Halloween was definitely chilly, but better than it was last year.

The thing about Halloween in Minnesota is you can hardly tell what our costumes are since they’re always covered up by winter jackets, hats, and gloves.

But the kids had a blast with their cousins and loved the Halloween sacks they get every year from Grandma.

Halloween from past years






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