Forgotten drafts: I like to smell Olivia

Last night I decided to look through my drafts folder and clean them up, but some of them are so weird or intriguing that I have to move forward with publishing them. Maybe I’ve hit on a new series on the blog? Forgotten Drafts Friday? Anyway.

This draft has been sitting in my files for two years which would put Olivia at two years old. Apparently back then I liked to smell her? Here’s what I had written down:

Well I guess I’m weird too because I like to smell her. Not after her eating spaghetti or anything but that that smell she has when it’s bath day. That salty sort of toddler smell that I can’t get enough of. She has this weird like eu de baby smell.

I think I can remember that smell. She doesn’t really smell like that now. She smells like a four-year-old and apparently, that’s different than a two-year-old and I can’t really describe it, but if you have a four-year-old you probably know what I’m talking about, and if you have a two-year-old could you email me and let me know how much you love their smell, so I can go back in time?

I actually found a photo from that very day, January 18th, 2017 and maybe that’s why I chose to draft a post like this because I was kissing her head and probably inhaling her baby scent and wishing time wouldn’t move so fast.

Forgotten drafts: I like to smell Olivia

Or I’m just really weird. Don’t judge.


  1. January 18, 2020 / 2:09 pm

    I will never forget something my sister said when meeting my baby daughter for the first time… β€œShe smells like biscuits!” Inhaling that gorgeous baby-ness is something that I miss. Looking forward to more forgotten drafts!

    • Risa
      January 20, 2020 / 10:06 am

      Ahhh I love it!!!

  2. January 21, 2020 / 5:06 am

    aw that’s sweet! I love after bathtime when my daughter is snuggled up in her pjs and we read a book

    • Risa
      January 21, 2020 / 1:33 pm

      Yes! I’ve always loved those moments too!

    • Risa
      January 21, 2020 / 1:34 pm

      Ha ha! Thank you! If nothing, it’s a good excuse to write. πŸ˜‰

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