The Financial Toll of Infertility

Previous treatments before fertility clinic

Clomid copays- $80

Office copays (estimated)- $160

Monthly costs= $240

Total Cost= $240

December 2012 out of pocket fees

First IUI cycle (cancelled)

Progesterone- $40

Ovidrel injection- $40

Clomid- $10

US and BW appointment co-pays- $80

Monthly cost= $170.00

Total Cost= $410

January 2013 out of pocket fees

First IUI cycle (take 2)

Progesterone- $40

Ovidrel- $40

Clomid- $10

US and BW appointment co-pays- $40

2 IUIs- $276

Chris’ PSA test- $40


Monthly cost= $522.00

Total Cost= $932

February 2013 out of pocket fees

Second IUI cycle

Progesterone- $40

Prometrium- $20

Ovidrel- $40

Clomid- $10

US and BW appointment co-pays- $60

IUI- $138

Andrology- $38

Monthly cost= $346.00

Total Cost= $1,278 

March 2013 out of pocket fees

Third IUI cycle

US and BW appointment co-pays- $40

Clomid- $10

Ovidrel- $40

IUIs- $276

Andrology $76

Monthly cost= $442.00

Total Cost=$1,720 

May 2013 out of pocket fees

IVF Cycle #1

BCPs and Z-pack- $10

IVF Prepayment- $3,206

IVF Meds co-pay- $413

Monthly cost= $3629

Total Cost= $5,349

June 2013 out of pocket fees

IVF Cycle #1

IVF meds co-pay- $330

U/S Office co-pays- $120

Monthly cost= $450

Total Cost= $5,799

August 2013 out of pocket fees

Conference co-pay- $20

AMH lab test- $75

Monthly cost= $95

Total Cost= $5,894

September 2013 out of pocket fees

IVF Cycle #2

Attain- $19,700

Monthly cost= $19,700 

Total Cost= $25,594

October 2013 out of pocket fees

Micro-Lupron co-pay- $199

Menopur co-pay- $150

Antibiotics,Valium, PIO, HCG injections, BCPs-$50

Gonal-F co-pay- $2,304

U/S Office co-pay- $80

Vivelle Estrogen patches co-pay- $45

Monthly cost= $2,828

Total Cost- $28,422

November 2013 out of pocket fees

 CoQ10, Folic Acid-$50

BCPs, dexamethasone- $20 

Monthly cost= $70

Total Cost- $28,492

December 2013 out of pocket fees


Chromosome analysis- $46

CoQ10- $30

Monthly cost= $2411

Total Cost- $30,903

January 2014 out of pocket fees

BP meds- $20

Labs for BP due to dexamethasone- $67

Monthly cost= $87

Total Cost- $30,990

April 2014 out of pocket fees

FSH and E2 labs for Attain- $111

Labs due to dexamethasone- $100

CoQ10- $30

Monthly cost= $241

Total Cost- $31,231

May 2014 out of pocket fees

Chris doxycycline- $58

Ganirelix (one dose)- $111

Monthly cost= $169

Total Cost- $31,400

June 2014 out of pocket fees

Attain reimbursement + $19,700 

Monthly cost=$0

Total Cost- $11,700

July 2014 out of pocket fees

Conference with Dr. K- $167

Conference with Dr. G in TX-$50 

Monthly cost= $217

Total Cost- $11,917

August 2014 out of pocket fees

HFI Donor Egg Cycle- $12,210 

Procedure fees $3,000

Monthly cost= $15,210

Total Cost- $27,127

September 2014 out of pocket fees

Medications (PIO, estrace, estrogen patches..) $30

Monthly cost= $30

Total Cost- $27,157

October 2014 out of pocket fees

US and Lab work- $162

Monthly cost= $162

Total Cost- $27,319

December 2014 out of pocket fees

Miscarriage Panel (excluding MTHFR)- $107

MTHFR lab- $403

Monthly cost= $510

Total Cost- $27,829

January 2015 out of pocket fees

HFI Donor Egg cycle discounted- $6,810

Folgard script- $40

Monthly cost= $6,850

Total Cost- $34,679

February/March 2015 out of pocket fees

Folgard script- $72

PIO, Estrace, Motrin, Prednisone, Vivelle- $68

Transfer Procedure Fees- $3,000

Monthly cost= $3,140

Total Cost- $37, 819

April 2015 out of pocket fees

Folgard script- $35

Estrace, Lovenox- $21

HFI OB monitoring package- $750 

Monitoring visits- $2,271 

Patches, scripts- $107

Monthly cost= $3,184

Total Cost- $41,003

September 2018 FET #1 out of pocket fees

HFI FET transfer- $3,725

Travel Fees- $900

Metanx- $174 (3 month supply)

Lovenox, PIO, Estrace, Minivelle Patches, Motrin, Prednisone- $129

Monthly cost = $4,928

Total Cost- $45, 931

October 2018 FET #1 out of pocket fees

Metanx- $174 (3 month supply)

Monitoring Co-pays- $30

Monthly cost = $204

Total Cost- $46, 135

January 2019 FET #2 out of pocket fees

Monitoring Co-pays- $60

Estrogen pills and patches- $51

Travel Costs for ERA procedure- $670

ERA procedure- $795

Monthly cost = $1576

Total Cost- $47, 711

February 2019 FET #2 out of pocket fees

HFI FET transfer- $3,725

Travel fees (hotel, airfare, Ubers)- $2,000

Acupuncture- $305

Medications- $13

Monthly cost = $6,043

Total Cost- $53, 754

March 2019 FET #2 out of pocket fees

Acupuncture- $180

Medications- $51

HFI OB monitoring package- $750 

Monthly cost = $981

Total Cost- $54,735

April 2019 FET #2 out of pocket fees

Acupuncture: $180

Meds: $185

Monthly cost = $365

Total Cost- $55,100