Father’s Day

We started our Father’s Day weekend with a walk along the river on Saturday.

There’s an old boat landing that the girls love to throw rocks off. Possibly even take their shoes and socks off and walk in the water. Olivia found a mussel that she was all excited about and was disappointed it stayed stubbornly shut the whole time she held it.

It was roaring hot for Father’s Day this year. We had a pretty low-key day in the morning that Sunday. My Father’s Day gift to Chris was this little tracker thingy for his shoe for when he runs, but the girls both had presents they made at school.

Olivia made him this little picture and Emelia did a little footprint and it made a hammer. Not pictured: The Hop on Pop card Olivia picked out for him, as well as the box of Zebra Cakes.

He had randomly talked one day about how much he was craving Zebra Cakes, so when Olivia and I were at Target, I saw them and we decided to get them for Chris.

That afternoon, we went to my sister’s for a Father’s Day celebration and the kids played in the little pool. The heat index was over a hundred degrees, but the kids had a blast in the water. I think they played for a solid two hours before we ate dinner.

In hindsight, I should have been pushing water for the kids, because when we got back home later that night, Olivia kept saying she “didn’t feel like herself.” We had her drink a lot of water, and luckily she was fine the next day, but ugh. Fail.

Overall, it was a really fun day. The girls just adore their daddy.

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