Emelia’s second transferversary

This of course is coming late, as her actual transferversary was February 21. But I have to tell you something. Last year, in her first transferversary post, I said I had lost her embryo photo. And it was devastating. I tore the house up looking for it.

Emelia's second transferversary

I found it. Here’s what happened. One night, I got the urge to organize my old cards—like birthday, anniversary, Mother’s day and so on. I know. I need a life. But anyway, I turned on Orange is the New Black and started going through the stacks and stacks, deciding only to keep the ones most special.

And suddenly, there it was. It just got stuck with some cards as I was probably going through and organizing something else, way back over a year ago when I knew I first lost it.

I can’t believe I found it. So I stuck it in the frame just I have with Olivia’s and now here we are. Of course, Emelia didn’t want to cooperate. Stink face, chewing on her hairbrush. Oh well.

Olivia asked first when her transferversary was and second, if we get cake.

We didn’t get cake. I barely managed to take these photos and even those were a day late.

But this little one. Two years ago she was placed inside me, along with the sibling we’ll never get to meet.

Truthfully, I don’t think a lot about that day. It was traumatic. I mean, traumatic, but filled with so much hope at the same time.

I know that on that day, I had to surrender my entire infertility journey. Either we’d have another baby, or we wouldn’t. And I’m so glad it was the former. She just fills our lives with so much joy.


  1. rose
    March 1, 2021 / 6:22 pm

    I am so glad you have her in person as well!
    Also pleased you found picture, know the magnitude of what happened to the potential it represented.
    Thank you for writing. Give me such joy to know you four are doing well. I think cake for tomorrow would be lovely.

    • Risa
      March 6, 2021 / 2:40 pm

      Thank you, Rose!

  2. March 1, 2021 / 11:32 pm

    Risa, this is such a wonderful post to read. I remember following your story when E was that tiny spark of hope. The pictures of her now are so beautiful knowing the turn her story took.

    I recently posted about Baby T’s transferversary… and how it feels to still be waiting. But with lots of hope. Seeing how well things can turn out really helps while we wait x

    • Risa
      March 6, 2021 / 2:40 pm

      Jen, I’ve been swamped with work and unable to read blogs, and I miss reading yours. I need to do this soon because it seems like it’s been forever. Sending you a hug!

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