Easter 2020: All dressed up and nowhere to go

Things looked a little different for Easter this year. So therefore, we tried really hard to keep things as normal as possible. Starting with dying Easter eggs. I have no idea if these ran out at the stores, because I bought the kit as soon as I thought about it.

Easter 2020

Since it was supposed to snow on Easter, we decided to get dressed up the day before to take photos. I had gotten the girls matching dresses—their first ones—so it was sad not to be able to go over to my aunt’s to see my family or head over to Chris’s sister’s for Easter lunch. In all reality, we probably should have done the Easter egg hunt outside the day before as well since it was so nice, but the idea didn’t occur to me until I started seeing it on social media from others.

Easter 2020

Still, I have the pictures of the dresses, which was pretty good too.

Easter 2020

Easter 2020

These two just kill me how much they dig each other.

Easter 2020

Olivia loves nothing more than to hold her sister. Emelia doesn’t seem to mind so much.

Easter 2020

Easter 2020

I had ordered a bunch of Easter basket stuff off Zulily in the proper amount of time it would take to get here, but I was wrong. It’s been a week later and over half of it still hasn’t arrived. So I needed to do some last minute Walmart delivery shopping to get some stuff to fill them with.

Easter 2020

Olivia actually has a Mouse Trap game that I got secondhand, but there were pieces missing. She didn’t seem to mind, but she got really excited when she got a brand new one from the Easter bunny.

Easter 2020

Emelia was mildly amused by the whole thing, but definitely loved her Nuby teether, which Olivia now dubs her “Nummy.” She spent a good amount of time while Olivia was hunting eggs downstairs quietly chewing the crap out of it.

Easter 2020

Easter 2020

After looking through their baskets, we had breakfast, distracting Olivia from her egg hunt with cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs. Then Olivia went on a 72-egg hunt all over the house. I figured we had nowhere to be that day, so may as well stretch it out. Then we watched the Easter service online while Chris and I drank coffee.

Easter 2020

I had bought a small ham weeks ago, when I started realizing we were still going to be in a stay-at-home order over the holiday and knew I better buy it before everyone did. Sure enough, they ran out. I made my mom’s ham glaze recipe, and my mother-in-law’s baked beans and sweet potato casserole.

Easter 2020

It was a little stressful getting all these dishes done. I would fail miserably hosting family, but Chris and I managed to get it all done (all at once) and Olivia wanted chocolate milk and I said why not. We added in the dill bread Chris had made with Olivia the day before and had ourselves a nice little spread.

Easter 2020

It was sort of strange, but certainly not a bad day. In fact, it ended up going by really fast since we talked with both our parents and his aunt. Olivia was probably most excited about the frozen pizza we tossed in the oven for a quick dinner.

She had been all about the Easter bunny and was delighted that he had eaten most of the carrots she set out for him the night before and the fact that there were two eggs found in her room while she had slept. Next year, with Emelia being able to participate more, it’s going to be even better.


  1. rose
    April 20, 2020 / 4:36 pm

    LOVELY to hear from you! Sounds like a wonderful Easter in a tough time. Congratulations on your success!

    • Risa
      April 27, 2020 / 12:03 pm

      Thank you!

  2. April 21, 2020 / 12:05 pm

    You look beautiful and the girls look sooo cute in their matching dresses! I love Easter egg hunts (I’ve been known to do them with partners as an adult!) and I bet Olivia had so much fun! Deliveries seem to take longer to get here these days, in general. Glad Walmart saved the day.

    • Risa
      April 27, 2020 / 12:03 pm

      I know! They’re especially fun when they’re outside. 🙂

      • April 29, 2020 / 12:03 pm

        I haven’t done as many of those but I’d like to!

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