Celebrating 12 years

Because of COVID, Chris and I hadn’t been out on a date in five months. The last time we went out alone it was for Valentine’s Day, my parents had the kids, and Emelia started shrieking inconsolably because she didn’t want to take a bottle. We had to cut it early and come home, which was fine, but…that was the last time we were really alone. We had some date-night-in’s along the way, but it wasn’t the same as truly getting out.

It was also the first time we ate at a restuarant since things opened up and luckily, it was nice day since our favorite pizza place was only open for patio dining.

My parents graciously came to hold down the fort while we left for our 11:00 reservation. We wore our masks and there were no menus—we searched for what we wanted from the website. No parmesan cheese or red pepper flake containers and since we couldn’t go inside, there was no bathroom. Of course, I forgot hand sanitizer since I thought I could wash my hands in the…non-existent bathroom. It was weird, but the food was amazing and familiar and for that, it was all good.

I had been mindful of eating a balanced diet the last few months, so all these carbs were killer on my digestive system, but wow. I love pizza. And I loved that one on one time with Chris. We didn’t have a lot of stuff to say to each other since we’ve been around the other person for over 100 days in a row now. Good thing we’re really good at small talk with each other.

After lunch, we drove to the nearby mall, donned the masks, and went walking around.

12 year anniversary

I didn’t last that long since I was struggling with intense thirst and breathlessness from the combination of carbs and a cloth over my face, so after a while we went closer to home for ice cream and sat outside and talked.

12 year anniversary

It was four hours, but it felt good to be out on our own. A little more normal, if you didn’t count the businesses that were closed and all the masks. I couldn’t even try on some swimsuits I wanted because all the fitting rooms were closed. ***

After we said goodbye to my parents, I put Emelia down for a nap and we took Olivia swimming for the rest of the afternoon. The baby ended up waking early due to a nice poop, so she joined us shortly after.

It was a good anniversary. I wanted the fancy dinner out with the hotel room but breastfeeding babies and a pandemic didn’t allow for that. Overall, I can’t complain, except that I hate swimsuits and they need to die a slow death.

After the kids were put to bed, and Chris and I had settled in downstairs to finish the Percy Jackson movie, I told him I felt guilty sometimes, of letting Adam slip my mind on my anniversary. Not that he would want me to be sad on this day, but I can’t help but feel that strangeness of celebrating a wedding anniversary while remembering a baby I lost seven years ago today.

***I realize trying on swimsuits after stuffing myself with pizza was kind of an idiot move.

Catch up on other anniversary posts

11 Years: Pregnant on another anniversary

10 years: A decade of us

Celebrating 9 years ever after

Cheers to 8 years!

Celebrating 7 years

6 years celebrating and remembering

5 years


  1. July 13, 2020 / 5:46 pm

    Happy 12 years! Sounds like a fairly good anniversary during a pandemic. For a bit we only had outdoor eating at restaurants but definitely had access to a bathroom if we needed it and put a mask on. That seems odd that you couldn’t use the bathroom???

    • Risa
      July 13, 2020 / 9:08 pm

      I should say, there was a portapotty on site, buuuuut I wasn’t feeling that. ;D

  2. rose
    July 14, 2020 / 12:17 am

    I am glad you two got to be out alone together.
    Remember it is your pool and you can go in it wearing what ever makes you happy. (Notice my assumption that your pool is not in public view.) Embrace that freedom.
    Happy anniversary and I am so glad you two are doing well.
    Hope the numbers where you are stay low and people wear masks. Where I am things just shut waaay back down…..and I sort of laughed looking at the places reshutting because there was only one type of ‘shut again’ place that I would consider entering…..and that one only once in 8-12 weeks. But I also know the economic damage this will bring to so many people….and the health and lives that will be saved I hope. MAYBE this time people will learn so we will not have a shortage of body bags…… WEAR MASKS.
    Be safe!!!!

    • Risa
      July 14, 2020 / 3:41 pm

      Thanks, Rose! I’m hoping people learn this time around too, but something is telling me they won’t and we’ll be back in shelter in place here in a few months.

  3. July 15, 2020 / 6:58 am

    Congratulations on 12 years! Life does tend to mix up the happy with the bittersweet. Thinking of you both as you balance joy of togetherness and sadness of loss.

    • Risa
      July 15, 2020 / 9:21 am

      Thank you, Jen!

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