CD 10 ultrasound for IUI #2

CD 10 ultrasound for IUI #2

Today’s ultrasound showed two follicles in the left ovary and two in the right ovary.  Two 17 mm ones, a 15 mm, and an 11 mm.

I had a great tech and nurse.  The tech actually explained what she was seeing on the screen to me, rather than just let me ride the dildo cam in the dark.  And the nurse seemed a lot more personable than the others.  She even turned her chair toward Chris and asked if he had any questions.  What was that about??  She wants us to come back tomorrow morning and see if those follicles grew a bit more and also because my since my lining was a six and they want it to be over seven.  So bad news is I have to come in late again to work, but the good news is hopefully I will be able to trigger tomorrow night, with IUIs Friday and Saturday.

So overall, I am happy with my well-balanced ovaries.  Hopefully, we can release eggs from both sides, which increases our chances.  She also said that if this cycle doesn’t work out, that we can schedule an appointment with Dr. K to go over our next steps.

The bloating has been there today, but it wasn’t like it was Sunday night.  This is a bloating that exists in kind of a constant state when I am on the Clomid.  Always there, but not so bad.  And I am having my mood swings.  They are better than they were during the 2WW where I was convinced I had pregnancy symptoms.  Ugh.  But it’s not so bad.

Not a whole lot to complain about today.


  1. February 13, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    Yay for follicles! Hope all goes well! Sending positive thoughts!

  2. February 13, 2013 / 8:29 pm

    So exciting! I am on CD 4- and day 2 of Femara. We chose not to monitor this cycle as we didn't the previous, I kinda wish we were…. I love to know HOW big or small and HOW many follicles we have! Good luck!!

  3. February 13, 2013 / 10:03 pm

    4 good follicles for an iui – that is great! Very exciting that its all coming up and after this weekend you may be preggo!! Woo-Hoo!!

  4. February 14, 2013 / 12:14 am

    Great news! Fingers crossed for you. Glad the clomid isn't too bad. I was a wreck on it!!!

  5. February 14, 2013 / 9:50 am

    I love it when the techs actually talk instead of just sitting there silent. How can they not realize how uncomfortable and nervous that makes people when they don't talk?! Sounds like good news! Fingers crossed!

  6. February 14, 2013 / 10:11 am

    Wow! That went quick! Are you on five days of clomid? I'm thinking you must be because you're "lapping me." (-: Anyways, glad to hear about the follicles. So hoping for success for you guys.

  7. February 14, 2013 / 7:29 pm

    No kidding Jamie! Ugh, awkward.

  8. February 14, 2013 / 7:30 pm

    Yep! I do days 3-7. Do you do more than that??
    And thanks 🙂

  9. February 14, 2013 / 7:30 pm

    It definitely has its moments. I thought I was fine today and then I started crying.

  10. February 14, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    I know! We definitely have three officially!

  11. February 14, 2013 / 7:31 pm


  12. February 14, 2013 / 7:32 pm

    It is nice knowing. When I went through unmonitored Clomid cycles I hated not knowing.

  13. February 14, 2013 / 7:33 pm

    Thanks, Jenni!

  14. February 15, 2013 / 2:50 pm

    Yeah, I do ten days. I used to do five but my follicles can be kind of slow growing.

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