Back to school (and now I have a 2nd grader)

September is school time and what a glorious time that is. This summer has been one for the books. I’m so thankful Chris had the entire summer off because I honestly don’t know how I was going to handle all three kids without my support system I had back when I was a stay at home mom when Olivia was little.

My mom has been coming to hang out with us on Fridays when Chris is working down in his office. But it’s challenging having such a little baby and then an almost 4-year-old who is crazy and exasperating at times. Olivia—she’s pretty easy now. 7-year-olds don’t tend to run screeching around the house or try to crash headlong into traffic while on a bike walking to the park.

And keeping in line with oversharing on the internet, here’s me with wicked postpartum hair loss. It’s been awful. I don’t remember it being nearly this bad postpartum with the other girls.

We celebrated Chris’s 41st birthday at the beginning of September and the girls wanted to make him a cake. And decorate it with crushed Oreos. I admit, they were on to something there.

We got him some gift cards and candy and sang happy birthday to him, which was much more chaotic than it appeared to be last year.

We ran random errands—this latest being to a sporting goods store so Chris could spend his gift card on some running attire. And the baby had this adorable hat on and I’m KICKING myself for not buying it right then and there because OMG look at him.

The girls went back to school on the 5th. Both will be in their same classrooms and teachers because of how their Montessori school works. They were both really excited to be heading back.

Chris has a month left before he goes back to work full time, and I don’t know where this month has gone, but it just seems to have flown by. I thought we would get some more quality time together, going out for lunches and spending mornings on the couch drinking coffee and talking, but that only happened a few times.

A few days after school started, I picked the girls up and we all walked to the park—Austin was especially happy to ride like a big kid in the stroller and not in his car seat.

Olivia got a skateboard and has been practicing. I got it from my local Buy Nothing group which was amazing because it’s a nice skateboard.

We took a family walk to the Dam and walked the trails along the Mississippi.

There was a park the kids liked to play at, and Chris and I could grab some time just the two of us (complete with a baby who woke up and wanted to nurse) for a bit while the girls found friends. Actually, it was kind of funny because Olivia, being older, tends to find kids to play with at the park and leaves her sister in the dust. This time, Emelia found a gaggle of little kids and loved rubbing it in Olivia’s face that she had friends and “no you can’t play with us!” I mean, seriously, these kids.

Emelia started a fall rec soccer session mid-month. She loved it when she tried it out this summer and wanted to do it again. They needed coaches and Chris had never played soccer in his life, but this man, true to form, watched some YouTube videos and volunteered to coach a group of 3 and 4-year-olds.

This left time for Austin and me to hang out on a blanket while Olivia played on the playground. I made friends with a fellow mom from Mexico who also had a newborn, so we bonded over that for the 6 weeks Emelia played and Chris coached. I should have gotten her phone number. I suck at that.

My parents came to see Olivia at karate one weekend and then we visited a Mexican restaurant in the same strip mall. The food was authentic and out of this world. Even Olivia, who frequently declares she “doesn’t like spicy food” was obsessed with the salsa they served.

They also attempted to see Emelia play soccer, but her second-to-last session found us driving in a downpour to the soccer fields. They didn’t cancel soccer, and it was warm out, so I dropped Emelia and Chris off and met my parents at a coffee shop instead. Not the way we wanted to do it, but we all went to see her very last session.

And then October came and I turned 38. Which holy God feels old because I was 26ish when I started this blog. The girls got me yarn, of course. And I love this colorway, so I plan to make a fun blanket out of it.

Plus they got me a Panera gift card since I’ve been working there during some days and eat lunch there. And I just can’t believe I’m 38 and all these kids are mine it’s so weird OMG.

And I don’t know how to end this post, but here’s a baby hanging out on my belly after a shower and I can’t handle that little face.

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