Art in the park

Olivia loves art. She’s always loved art. When she was in ECFE she would be the one coming home with multiple paintings.

This past year she’s taken two art classes at the local art center. And she loves them. So when summer came and there weren’t a lot of classes going on, Chris found a few “Art in the Park” sessions. Her first one was thankfully on a day that wasn’t too hot. She discovered her favorite art teacher was there assisting and the guy that was teaching the class was really nice.

So Chris ran around with the baby while she explored and I hung out with Olivia while she did her drawing.

The park was pretty new and it was really fun. Emelia loved the bridge and saw some baby ducks.

When Olivia’s class was over, they had a band putting on a free concert just across the park. We weren’t necessarily planning on staying for the concert, but it turned out to be a huge hit with the girls.

They were dancing like crazy and Chris had to actually carry Emelia out of there kicking and screaming because she didn’t want to leave which garnered us a lot of sympathetic looks from the other concert-goers.

But we took Olivia to all the places Emelia had explored and Chris realized they were also giving out free root beer. So we trekked back to the concert.

Not only did they have free root beer, but they also had free root beer FLOATS. Emelia’s first one ever and she raged and snarled like a rabid dog and held that thing with a death grip. She drank every last bit of hers and gave it two sticky thumbs up.

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