Another COVID birthday celebration

Due to the sharp rise in COVID cases in our state, we decided to do another combined party this year. Besides some rain, it wasn’t too bad of weather. Last year was really cold. We got another bounce house (I think Olivia’s going to come to expect these every year) and her three little cousins were able to come jump with her.

Emelia got to enjoy the bounce house this year as well. She wore the same outfit Olivia did for her second birthday.

We did pizzas again and got a Costco cake. No frills, just some table cloths and a few decorations.

Trying to watch and help two kids open presents is a lot, especially when you’re not sitting on a floor with them. But we made it work and the kids had so much fun.

Olivia got a bow from us, and loved practicing with it outside. Chris ordered her a target so she could practice with it. It didn’t take her long to catch on.

It was so cute singing happy birthday to both of them, since Emelia is older now and knows a little more about what’s going on.

Emelia ate every bite of her cake and asked for more.

The next day, we got to keep the bounce house until early afternoon, so we were out there in the morning, sipping coffee while the girls got their last-minute bouncing in.

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