The pee sticks have seemed to come to a standstill. I’m not complaining, because it just means Seaweed and Kelp are digging in deep and ramping up that HCG.
This was 12 days past transfer. The line on the FRER is now darker than the control line (read: my embryos are bad-ass).
I had my blood draw this morning for the beta. GAH! In all the history of betas, this is the one I am actually excited about. I want that number. I WANT THAT NUMBER! GIVE IT TO MEH!!!!!
<looks around room in embarrassment and sits down>
Unfortunately, I won’t get the call until later in the afternoon, and then I plan on telling Chris when he comes home from work.
I’m excited/nervous to share the results, but I am not going to post them until tomorrow so Chris and I can share in the news together tonight. And no, there will be no romanticizing because in the world of IVF, there is no sex until the heartbeat. And no wine. We will make do with gummy bears and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Unless gummy bears and Reese’s make me gag.
Pray for a good number! GAH!
I already have my guesstimate ready for your levels today. It will be great and enjoy your personal time with Chris celebrating on this long deserved moment. Can't wait to hear tomorrow 🙂
I have no doubt your levels will be great!!! Can't wait to hear!
I think it's going to be a great number!!! Enjoy your night celebrating with Chris, you deserve it and every single one of those gummy bears and peanut butter cups!! xoxo
Good luck I know what it's like to wait those 12 agonizing days and then wait again for the test results. Your home test look great, I have a good feeling for u!
Isn't it so nice going into this beta KNOWING it will be a great result? I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear the actual number tomorrow!
Yes! I'm going to stalk your blog tomorrow. What an exciting day!!!
Eeeeeekkkksss! So excited to hear that number! I have already forgotten what good numbers are….I got one beta because I waited so long to poas. I do remember that super high numbers are good and indicate twins so I'll be hoping for the number 2 million! (lol) Mmmm Reese's used to be my favorite until I switched to Theo's peanut butter cups, they are a local chocolate factory in Seattle and are all natural, organic, fair trade etc. Now I want to send you some!
Can't wait to hear those numbers!!!
Waiting with baited breath!
Risa!!! I'm so excited!!!! Praying for high numbers and two very sticky little babies growing and growing!!! Can't wait to hear your number! I have a great feeling!!!
Hoping you received the call already, heard a FANTASTIC number, and are wolfing down some celebratory food, whatever it may be.
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! So excited for you!!!! w00t w000000t
Dyinggg for tomorrow's post!! Praying for a high number!!
Based on how dark that line is, I think it's going to be pretty high! I can't wait to see if it's twins!!! It's such a great feeling knowing you are getting good news with that phone call.
I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to hear that number!!!