Olivia’s yearly questions at age 8

When I asked Olivia to do this again, she at first wrinkled her nose and said she didn’t want to do it. Then, the next day when she was in my office while I was at my desk, I asked her again and she said fine. And then she wanted me to read her the answers from last year and thought it was hilarious.

1. If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
“I would probably buy 1,000 toys.”

2. How long does it take to get to the beach?
“Two hours.”

3. What does Mom always say to you?
“Go clean your room, because we have a lot of toys.”

4. What does Dad always say to you?
Giggles. “Go clean your room.”

5. What job would you like to do when you grow up?
“Be a karate teacher.”

6. Who is the strongest superhero?
“Wonder Woman.”

7. Where do babies come from?

8. At what age do you become a grownup?
“Nineteen!” Giggles. “Or eighteen. Actually yeah, nineteen.”

9. What’s the worst rule Mommy has for you?
“Go clean your room.” Giggles. “No, that’s actually serious.”

10. What animal does Mom look like?
“A gorilla.” Giggles. “Because you are the size of a mama gorilla!”

11. What would you do if you couldn’t find your underwear?
“Wear the same ones.” Give her a look. “I actually do that sometimes.” I know you do, kid. It’s gross.

12. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
“Shrimp fettuccine alfredo!” Right away. No surprise there.

13. How much does it cost to buy a house?
“Nine hundred five thousand dollars. Wait like a mansion or not a mansion?” Any house, I said. “Um probably nine dollars. Nine hundred,” I mean. I said, “Houses are usually 100,000 dollars. “Wait what??”

14. Who do you hang out with all the time?
“At school?”Thinks. “Everybody. I can’t pick.”

15. What song makes you want to sing?
“The Sing playlist.”

16. What are you scared of?
“Being punched in the face.” ???

17. What is your favorite game to play?
“Super Mario Brothers Deluxe.”

18. What is Santa Claus like?
“Should I say what I think he is, or what he actually is? A big big big big dude that wears a red coat and has a fluffy beard and then says ho ho ho.”

19. What do you think Santa will bring you for Christmas?
“Harry Potter Legos.”

20. Where does Santa live?
“The North Pole.” Like, duh.

Olivia’s yearly questions at age 3
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 4
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 5
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 7


  1. Pauline
    February 1, 2024 / 7:49 am

    These posts are so cute and give you an idea of how kids think. I love the respone to question 11. So true! Ha! I think it was sweet that Olivia wanted to know how she answered last year’s questions. Smart girl.

    • Risa
      February 4, 2024 / 8:26 pm

      I know! And man, how she’s maturing. Her responses just show how big she’s getting.

  2. rose
    February 6, 2024 / 10:26 pm

    She is wonderful! No surprise there. THANK YOU for sharing the joy and wonder and delight of her.

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