Father’s Day 2023 (with three!)

I’ve notoriously sucked for the last few Father’s Days because I can never seem to get my act together to get Chris a decent present, much less do some adorable homemade gift from the kids. And I know I have a 6-week-old and two other kids, but still.

By the way, check out this outfit that made me burst into a million pieces because I simply cannot stand the cuteness. All the credit goes to his Auntie Celina.

So I didn’t get Chris a present (I didn’t even get him a card, for God’s sake). Plus, Mother’s Day falls during the school year so the kids always make some cute art project to give to me and obviously, they don’t do those things in the summer, so it’s up to me to coordinate the cute art project. Personally, I think Chris has it pretty good since he doesn’t have to do the cute art project — the work is done for him. 

I told him I owe him a present, so the next time he wants something I can say, “Oh, I’ll buy it for you! Late Father’s Day gift!” and all will be well. 

Father's Day 2023 (with three!)

We hung out around the house, playing outside and taking photos until we went to my sister’s for a Father’s Day celebration and dinner. I didn’t even remember to get my dad a gift until like the day before, so I was dropped at the front door of Target while Chris cruised the parking lot and I could pick out a gift before jumping back in the car and driving to my sisters.

And of course, since COVID, if you don’t get your holiday-specific card at least a week in advance, you’re left with pretty much nothing. In fact, I found exactly one Father’s Day card on an end cap towards the bottom of the shelf. One. All the rest left over were for husbands or “like a father’ or two dads and I was sort of panicking because my life is completely out of control now and getting Father’s Day cards for the most important men in my life was furthest from my mind. 

But it all worked out. We had fun at my sister and the kids all had fun playing with each other. 

Father's Day 2023 (with three!)

I did kiss and hug Chris and told him how wonderful of a daddy he was to our three kids after we put the kids to bed.

Just kidding. I didn’t even do that. 

I promise I’ll make it up to him in ten to fifteen years when the kids are older and I feel like I have some semblance of a brain again.

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